Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

By William Shatner

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 1989-11-06
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 1h 46min
  • Director: William Shatner
  • Production Company: Paramount Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,189 Ratings


The crew of the Federation starship Enterprise is called to Nimbus III, the Planet of Intergalactic Peace. They are to negotiate in a case of kidnapping only to find out that the kidnapper is a relative of Spock. This man is possessed by his life long search for the planet Shaka-Ri which is supposed to be the source of all life. Together they begin to search for this mysterious planet.



  • Sorry, Mr. Shatner

    By Hajile Equinox
    I feel guilty for saying it, because I seriously admire William Shatner, but though this movie did have its moments, it was kind of narcissistic towards Kirk. It really painted him like he was more of hero than he really was. I don’t like how when the story got into some of the more intense parts, it began relying on him and only him to save the day. Even the nice campfire scene seemed to have the problem of focusing on only the awesomeness of Kirk. William Shatner is a brilliant and talented actor, but as a director, I’m afraid he leaves much to be desired. But hey, at least it ain’t Star Trek Nemesis, right?
  • Life is but a dream

    By Davidtiberous
    Not the best Star Trek movie… But in my opinion the best music
  • Worst... Trek... Ever

    By dualedge
    Don't get me wrong - I don't fault folks that like this movie. More power to 'em. I, however, loathe this movie. Paramount may have cheaped out... maybe Shatner wasn't to blame, etc., etc. None of that matters to me when viewing the final product. Even as someone who loves classic Trek (I grew up watching TOS reruns and was a teen during the TNG years), *in my opinion* this movie is arguably the single worst Trek anything ever made. The dialogue is attrocious, the f/x are remarkably poor compared to any other prior TOS film, the plot is laughable... (they shoot "God" with a photon topedo for crying out loud.) Nope. I can't watch this one all the way through. I've tried. Just can't make it through. It's a cure for insomnia for me.
  • Most underrated Star Trek movie

    By WorldQuestioner
    I would actually give this movie a four star. But because it's very underrated, I'll instead rate it a five star to stress the positive part. Storyline is the best part. Like it represents the whole series. Very general, not specific like some other movies.
  • Unfairly Ridiculed

    By H. Raff
    I have to admit that this is one of my favorite Star Trek movies. Yes it is cheesy but Star Trek has always been cheesy. From the very beginning with the mountain climbing and the fantastic music, I thoroughly enjoy watching this film. I hope you do too!
  • Absolutely horrible

    By 7Seven ofNine9
    There is precisely one good line in the entire movie.
  • Underrated.

    By Unknown Jaws 3, 2, 1 and 007
    Compared to the Star Trek: Generations, First Contact, Nemesis, 2009, and Into Darkness, Star Trek V: The Final Frontier is masterful! And when isolated as a standalone film, it's still very good!
  • The worst of them all

    By bdkennedy
    I’ve seen all of the movies over and over and this is the worst. It’s corny and the ending may as well have been ripped straight from the Wizard of Oz. Even the producer said this movie almost killed the franchise.
  • Worst Star Trek movie EVER!!!

    By Jakesnack55
    All I'm gonna say is Worst Star Trek Movie EVER!!! I mean this one nearly destroyed a great and fun franchise. This Star Trek movie right here is a FRANCHISE KILLER. Just a terrible and god-awful movie. TERRIBLE!!!
  • Now wait just a doggone minute!

    By Chicoartist
    This is without a doubt the most ambitious of the "TOS" films. According to Shat's book, ST Movie Memories, he was shortchanged by Paramount in multiple ways, and he himself (along with the crowd) kind of disses the film, which is completely unfair to the final result. Yes, for the purists it has some 'continuity' and 'accuracy' issues, but I just watched it again after not having seen it since it was in theaters, and I gotta tell you, I liked it! I'd pay to see it again on the big screen.
