A humorous and heartfelt look back at the adventures of childhood. Set in suburban Chicago in the late 1980s, the story centers on ten‐year‐old Jake Doyle’s (Fegley) herculean quest to get the latest and greatest video game system for Christmas.
Video Game version of "A Christmas Story"
By yaboi3404
NPH Kills it in this new age Christmas Classic.
By frustrated 2 much
Great show for those of us who wanted a Nintendo more than anything in the world
Different but cool
By mvpdodger15
I loved this movie, I put it on out of curiosity and ended up loving it. It brings back so much nostalgia from growing up in the late 80’s, early 90’s. I highly recommend this movie to anyone that loves nostalgia.
Best Xmas movie in years!
By Joseph Mans
First movie since Elf to join the annual rotation. Hilarious and with lots of heart. So good!
Back to the past
By Broken Hero
Reminded me so much of my childhood to a T. Even with the neighbor kids begging to play the system 😂😂
By adamdunz37
This is an instant classic to every kid who grew up in the 80s. Trust me you don’t wanna miss it
Instant Christmas Classic
By ISURyan83
Really captures the magic of childhood at Christmas. Reminded me a bit of A Christmas Story, but in the 80s. This is now a must watch every Christmas. Can’t recommend it enough.
Touching, funny & nostalgic
By Djny71
This really surpassed my expectations. It’s just a fun watch for all… especially the Nintendo generation! If you game I think we’ve all been there for our favorite system of choice. Funny, heart warming, touching & an overall great holiday film!