

By Michael Dowse

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2019-07-12
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 33min
  • Director: Michael Dowse
  • Production Company: GoldDay Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,316 Ratings


Get ready for the ride of your life in this high-speed buddy comedy fueled by nonstop action and huge laughs! When a mild-mannered driver named Stu (Kumail Nanjiani) picks up a passenger (Dave Bautista) who turns out to be a cop hot on the trail of a brutal killer, Stu is thrust into a harrowing ordeal in which he desperately tries to hold onto his wits, his life and his five-star rating.



  • Should be at least R rated

    By musicman10_1
    There is nothing PG 13 about this film.
  • It's even worse than Ride Along but manages to be descent

    By Nicholas becerra
    Unexpectally Stuber wasn't that bad at all but right after seeing Ride Along a notoriously bad comedy loads of unfunny banter between Kevin Hart and Ice Cube himself made the movie worse and boring for me to exprience. And i was expecting Stuber to be a rip-off of Ride Along and you guess it the movie is incredibly unfunny and despite the cute banter that Dave Bautista and Kumail Nanjiani was pretty uptight and wasted on cheap action scenes and a mudded plot that didn't make any sense to me at all that's because i was to busy looking for a laugh but instead untentionally funny scenes went around in this uber slash comedy. The movie follows awkward uber driver named Stu (Kumail Nanjiani) who has a simple life style between his uber driver business and keeping his job in company, than a mysterious blind ex-cop named Vic (Dave Bautist) decides to ecompany with Stu, Vic turns out to be a detective searching for a brutal killer on the loose. I thrilly enjoy buddy bromances but this movie dosen't make sense or even the light headed action scenes feel so cheap and boring and the two main characters have bad chimestry and it suffers from many unlikable genres that make this comedy so unspiried and lame iam not saying Stuber is the worst thing ever made iam saying that Stuber is the type of comedy that will leave you either speechless or angry for many parts of the movie are to hard to watch and sometimes uncomfortable-rating 2/10
  • How much did Uber pay for this?

    By wonderboybanks
    I am a huge fan of the two main characters, I thought the plot was decent, ok dialogue, but with how many Uber references there were it made me feel like it was an infomercial for Uber. At least twenty references, not cool and got old
  • Fun action comedy

    By Ask&Seek123
    Funny and good acting! Great casting! Good story.
  • thought this could be fun from trailers-disappointed

    By scoletti
    Getting old, seen too much, FX blood n guts not funny, too bad for what could have been.
  • Funny

    By Chicago Excel
    Really funny movie
  • 5 stars

    By Plops97
    He’s getting a 5 star rating from me 👍🏻
  • Wound up purchasing

    By JustMe8873
    We weren’t expecting much from this movie, but there are some very funny scenes throughout the movie. We liked this so much that we bought it and have already rewatched it a few times. Stuber’s delivery and cynical demeanor is spot on.
  • Fun & Entertaining

    By Ariauna
    A must see at least for a rental. Action, laughs and a good story.
  • Fun

    By popdensity
    It has a low score on Rotten Tomatoes, but I enjoyed it. Very entertaining/
