Batman: The Long Halloween Part 1

Batman: The Long Halloween Part 1

By Chris Palmer

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2021-04-08
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 25min
  • Director: Chris Palmer
  • Production Company: DC Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 637 Ratings


It’s a dark time in Gotham City. Held hostage by the powerful Falcone crime family, the city is rife with crime and corruption. Adding to the chaos is the mysterious Holiday killer, who has been targeting the underworld and leaving a trail of terror...and body bags. Batman, Lieutenant Gordon and D.A. Harvey Dent race against the calendar as it advances toward the next ill-fated holiday. Based on the critically acclaimed graphic novel, Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One begins a twisted chain of events that will forever change the Dark Knight.



  • Wooden dialog, pumped up action

    By ipadfilmz
    For those reviewers who say this is faithful to the original printed story, go read it again. Several of the important characters are minimized, and the Italian aspects of the crime families is minimized, perhaps to avoid complaints of perpetuating stereotypes but certainly at the expense of conveying interesting personas. Alberto is recast as a lovesick loner, diluting his character’s edge, while Carla Vitti and Sal Maroni are seen but rarely heard, essentially shelving them as suspects. As such, my wife (who isn’t a comic fan and never read the originals) has already figured out who the killer(s) will be (assuming they stick to that aspect if the story in part 2). Catwoman is good when in costume and bounding off rooftops, but as Selina she’s mousy and bland. So much for the femme fatale into which Loeb/Sale transformed the iconic character back in the day. The dialog feels very wooden with pauses and awkward silences throughout. As usual with DC animated movies, I’m left with the sense that the actors record their dialog separately with no sense given that the vocalists are actually interacting with and playing off others in the scene. The action sequences are engaging and some of the story is changed to allow for more action to occur (the original version doesn’t have big fight sequences, as it wasn’t that kind of story). That works well, so that when fists are flying and capes are rustling, it’s entertaining enough. If only the character-focused sequences were infused with as much energy, this could have been a better movie.
  • Awesome!

    By bambino10000
    The story was great and I enjoyed watching this one.
  • fantastic adaptation

    By patsakui
    this movie is brilliant and the animation is perfect and really truthful to the comic
  • Amazing

    By Balldinho
    DC are still the kings of animated movies
  • Must watch

    By jesusartpop
    It’s really great so ready for part 2 LETS GOOOOO
  • Amazing

    By Cisik
    Very well written and executed movie
  • Best Batman Ever

    By BernardoDopazo
    This movie is just awesome! I can’t wait for part 2.

    By iKris90
    absolutely fantastic! excited for part 2 in July 😁
  • Awesome adaptation

    By cbear53
    Loved part 1, can’t wait for part 2. I don’t mind these movies making some changes to the story as it makes it fresh and exciting for fans of the original source material.
  • 🔪🎃

    By wellhamful
    I mean, did you look at that cast list
