Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker

By J.J. Abrams

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2019-12-20
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 22min
  • Director: J.J. Abrams
  • Production Company: Lucasfilm Ltd.
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 5.99
From 10,071 Ratings


In STAR WARS: THE RISE OF SKYWALKER, the riveting conclusion of the landmark Skywalker saga, new legends will be born—and the final battle for freedom is yet to come. WARNING: SOME FLASHING-LIGHTS SCENES IN THIS FILM MAY AFFECT PHOTOSENSITIVE VIEWERS



  • Fantastic

    By CatsDontDanceFan4
    This conclusion is epic, and I don’t know why so many people hate it. The story is innovative and epic. The visuals are awesome, same goes for the music. Underrated masterpiece.
  • One of the most entertaining films

    By BenEndr6789
    Not perfect, but it doesn’t deserve the hate it gets. Love what they did with the new main characters. Hope there will be an extended cut some day.
  • Incredible JJ Abrams saved Star Wars

    By Discoflowa
    Rion Johnson probably paid to give star Fks. JJ saved Starwars from the TLJ disaster. The original trilogy is of course the holy grail of cannon. JJ’s work of course destroys the prequels. His cinematography was absolutely amazing. Loved the cast performances. LANDO!!!!!!! WEDGE!!!! Good addition to the storyline. All those fast pace scenes were incredible. Those people that complained about loop holes need to check your cannon!!! The Prequels were a joke. Horrible acting bad video game VFX. If they had been produced like the old trilogy then the prequels would have been consistent. Only good thing was Ian Mcdiarmid.
  • Talk to the hand haters

    By St@rw@rs fan 4 life!
    I LOvE this movies but sometimes I don’t understand why people said Rey is crap. Anakin was not strong enough to resist the dark side and he could have literally been the strongest Jedi the “chosen” one.Rey is strong and calm but no body appreciates the fact that she tries.I mean we all make mistakes.but she’s literally a Palatine and practically killed the man who turned the chosen one to his side.So,think about it Rey haters.Rey is a very capable person and she is strong.y’all need to thinkkk.Also idc what ppl think all the Star Wars movies are golden.
  • Just stupid

    By Sir baggy bottoms
    Not that great. Kylo is to whinny . Rey is like the female version of Luke. Which Luke is way better then her. If you wanted a female Jedi. There was Ashoka. She by far way more awesome then Rey. Don’t recommend.
  • Where to begin

    By That one Bloke1066
    This movie doesn’t even make sense plotwise if it was a regular movie. But as a Star Wars movie, it ruined the entire story arc and in the end went absolutely nowhere. From horses in space, to ruining Anakin’s legacy, to Rey (why is she training if she literally can do anything beyond even the best of the Jedi or the Sith). I would have loved to see originality and a true Star Wars feel, that passion which is missing from this trilogy. Even if George Lucas hadn’t been involved, they could have taken the original ideas for this third trilogy and made a story about that instead. Wasted.
  • Ben?

    By Easy_Churlish
  • The Rise of Palpatine

    By RockNRollStaaaa
    Horrendous writing, although The Last Jedi definitely did not set this up for success. But still more entertaining than the unbearable snorefest that is The Force Awakens.
  • Good ending yet, new beginning

    By Bmxmcdguy
    This film is amazing edge of your seat excitement, but emperor palpatine is kinda creepy and might come across as scary for younger viewers but other than that, highly recommend
  • JJ Abrams has ruined Star Wars

    By Old l Star Wars forever
    It was such a shock that ray was emperor Palpatine’s Granddaughter but it didn’t make ray a better character sadly. It also ruined the prophecy of the chosen one Anakin Skywalker when he ended the sith by killing himself and Palpatine. But J.J. Abrams had little to work with after Rian Johnson messed up Star Wars so I give this a 2out of10
