Tyler Perry's Acrimony

Tyler Perry's Acrimony

By Tyler Perry

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 2018-03-30
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 2h 0min
  • Director: Tyler Perry
  • Production Company: Tyler Perry Studios
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 382 Ratings


In Tyler Perry's sexy and electrifying thriller, a faithful wife (Taraji. P. Henson) is driven over the edge when it becomes clear she has been betrayed.



  • T

    By BAM2COO
    Great movie
  • A Perfect Cautionary Tale For Women

    By Coolmom01111965
    Reviewers criticized Acrimony for playing into the “angry black woman” stereotype and punishing its female lead for not constantly supporting her man. I think part of where those criticisms came from is, for one, it’s a Tyler Perry movie. If you know anything about him, he doesn't have the best track record for positive portrayals of black women. The second is Acrimony is the antithesis of Gone Girl. Both movies feature women in their 40s with possible mental disorders who were burned and disappointed by men they've "invested" a lot of their time and money to improve. They then get revenge by ruining their (ex) husband's lives, even though both of their issues could've been solved with an early divorce and a prenup. One of the differences between the movies is how they frame the female and male leads. Amy isn't supposed to be a hero, but Nick is portrayed so negatively with so few redeemable qualities that it's impossible not to root for her. Even Nick's own friends don't like him. Not to mention, in the end, Amy's plan works. Melinda, despite her actions being no worse than Amy's, is portrayed more negatively. Robert is shown in a much more sympathetic light than Nick, and even gets everything he wants in the end. It's understandable why people would claim Acrimony is racist since Amy is white while Melinda is black. However, the second difference between the two movies is Gone Girl is an escapist revenge fantasy, and Acrimony is a cautionary tale. The way things turned out for Robert is sadly realistic. How many male rapists, child molesters, thieves, and war criminals are part of the 1%? How many of those men have never been arrested or received an early bail? Acrimony is a warning to all the young women who "invest" in men. Our society loves to tell girls, "don't find Mr. Right. Find Mr. Wrong and turn him into Mr. Right." There are two problems with that statement. The first is men aren't houses. A house can't argue, resist help, or go behind your back and undo all the work you put into it. You can drag Mr. Wrong by the ear to the gym, therapy, and rehab day long. If he doesn't want to be fixed, then he's just gonna sneak out and indulge while you're not looking. The second issue is that mindset is what has allowed men to take advantage of women for their own benefit since the beginning of time. There are countless horror stories of women who had met men who seemed nice or were a little rough around the edges and needed some help. Then by the time they reveal their true colors, it was too late. How many female abuse survivors and divorcees have said, "He was so nice when we first met," "He wasn't always like this," “I just wanted him to get better,” "I don't know what changed." The harsh reality is nothing changed; they were always like that. Robert is a classic example of a manipulative self-indulgent man. Whether or not he's a narcissist is up to debate. Robert is the type of man women and girls need to look out for. The wolves in sheep’s clothing. The men who put on a mask of kindness to lure in young, naive women with money and bleed them dry. Those masks can stay on for decades. So while I do understand how frustrating it is to see a movie with another dark-skinned black woman suffer, it’s an excellent warning to any woman who plans on dating/marrying a man with "potential."
  • Unknown

    By drtgchkogf
    I actually love this movie and can watch it over and over and over again 😂.
  • Amazing!!!

    By Denice Ortega
    This movie is my absolute favorite! I swear this makes me like wonder what I would do if I was in a situation like Melinda’s, I will and can watch this movie over and over again. I’m so in love with it ❤️ -Denice Ortega
  • Interesting & thought provoking.

    By deigeS
    It’s definitely a lesson on how not moving on can ruin your life, shown in an extreme way. Which makes it fun. Not sure how I feel about the ending but the film is very well done. Definitely has me thinking.
  • Excellent!

    By Tianna itzyourgirlteetee
    🗣Tyler has done it again! This movie is sooooooo freakin awesome!👍🏾
  • Unrealistic storyline/plot but highly entertaining

    By IsaacMartin08
    Well, it’s hard to know where to to start. This is a highly suspect plot because it seems the main characters’ lives went on uninterrupted of any conflict. For almost 20 years, we discover that the possible reason why the female character remained so long with the male character was because she has a mental disorder, which apparently never manifested in the relationship except through her highly passive personality which went in direct contrast to her explosive anger. How could she not be angered at all, fully knowing, which she admitted being aware, that in her perspective, he was taking advantage of her? Then we have the court ruling against her. There was a history and a trail of paper money that the female character was the co-creator of the battery that made the male character so wealthy in the end. Any lawyer in his right mind and court as well, would have seen that she was the “producer” and the male was the “actor”. She finances the research of such project and by way of that she was owed half of all the money the male character made. Don’t believe the legality of this? Ask Mark Zuckerberg. By way of all these cinematic mistakes, the female character was forced to be a victim and was driven to the point of insanity. This was a highly unreliable plot written by a highly unreliable writer who forced an unrealistic fantasy of victimhood and in the end, the writer/s made the male character a victim of the insanity of a female who “wouldn’t let go”. Nah. That dog don’t bark. Grade: F
  • I’m confused!

    By Omy3men2
    I’m not sure who’s actually the villain in this movie since both protagonists did good for each other 🤷🏻‍♂️
  • I love this movie

    By Mrz Weaver
    It was a very good movie and I love it. It’s a new direction Tyler Perry went I think he did an awesome job on this movie and plus my favorite two people are in this movie Taraji P. Henson and also my boyfriend Lyriq Bent.
  • Entertaining

    By Clamb4
    All of these bad reviews.. the movie had me entertained from start to finish. The roles change quickly and the ending could’ve been better but I liked it. It’s about a woman believing in someone who takes over 20 years to get to his goal, she’s working two jobs. You can see the resentment in her face. It was a great movie. Give it a shot
