Tyler Perry's Diary of a Mad Black Woman

Tyler Perry's Diary of a Mad Black Woman

By Unknown

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2005-06-28
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 56min
  • Director: Unknown
  • Production Company: Lionsgate
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
From 21 Ratings


Helen McCarthy has everything a woman wants: a nice house and rich husband. However, after her husband Charles throws her out of the house after admitting to an affair, a distraught Helen turns to her mother, grandmother Madea and cousin Brian who take her in and turn back to God. Helen learns for the first time in her life to stand up on her two feet and is ready to remove herself from her relationship with Charles and move on with Orlando. But when her husband is almost killed by a vengeful client, Helen wonders if she has the heart to forgive him despite everything.



  • Loved This Movie Since I Was A Kid, Huge Fan Of Madea

    By Maleficent1999
    Never watched “Diary Of A Mad Black Woman” when it originally got released in theaters, but my mom bought it for our family to watch at home a couple of years later & I instantly fell in love with Madea as a character. Madea is SO funny that I can’t help but laugh along with her. Plus, she’s a big disciplinarian, so that’ll come in handy for me when I have children in the future. Thank goodness this movie succeeded in the box office despite failing with critics. In short, I love “ Diary Of A Mad Black Woman”.
  • Excellent

    By TheChampIsHere07
    Very entertaining and well written. Great movie
  • Garbage

    By EvilRyu78
    You couldn’t give this movie to me free. All his movies are garbage.
  • So good

    By 😛😘😉📯📉😁📯🗡📪
    Love it.😂😂😂😂
  • Soundtrack

    By G free7
    I would like to know why the soundtrack wasn't released on iTunes also? Thanks
  • Best movie

    By Mslamst2208
    Tayler Perry had beautiful movies.
  • Too funny 😂

    By Mona_lisa23
    Amazing movie! One of my favorite Tyler Perry movies. A must watch
  • You pretend to create and observe when you really detach from feeling alive.

    By windycityzenkane
    Ty has got his work. They say Ty lives for his work, and Ty's in love with his work. TY HIDES IN HIS WORK! How does a married man hide his unhappiness for so long, and then work up the nerve to bring an outside woman into his and his wife's lives? How can such an intelligent, unconsciously self-sufficient woman depend on an idiot who can't face a childless life? And how can a father not listen to--or even get to know--his own child while being so eager to shut out the mother who bore her? I DON'T BLEEPING KNOW!!! HE DOES NOT EXPLAIN ANY OF IT! Who is one to tell anyone what he "knows" or what a foolish person does? And when he has probably never spoken to a divorced couple, a parent, or even a recovering addict before in his life? As a matter of opinion, I think the people in this story reflect a struggling artist's tendency to pretend to create and observe--and secretly detach from feeling all-living.

    By JoeCoolRunnings
    Feel free to say what you want to. You like it or you don't. But me? Well...years ago, I said "fine and dandy". But now--actually for many months, a couple of years--this film is as phony as it gets. Over the top, to say the least. There are men and women who have been let down by spouses and/or friends. It leads to doubt of self and others. I don't deny that. But really! Not all of us put our WHOLE lives on hold just because the Charles McCarters of the world do something stupid and heartbreaking. Plus, it seems that all Helen does is rant and scream and shout. Charles is complete a-hole--but why (not counting what success changes people into)? I'm not saying a word about Brian and his addicted wife. Not even Orlando, much as I got his back. And newsflash: men and women are more to each other than notches in each others' belts, or mending materials. This picture makes it look like half of us are absolutely good while the other half is absolutely bad. BOTH RUN IN ALL OF US. Another question: Since when is loving one's self not enough? It's not like intimate relationships are imperative. All in all, this picture is as sentimental as any Hallmark or Lifetime film. Too idealistic, too biased, too stereotypical. And the humor (along with other things) should be subtle, but it's not. By the way, the acting is as rehearsed and unoriginal as it often is. The casting is poor. The flow is sychronised; and life does NOT happen/flow in an organized fashion. There are things called relatability, realism, and an objective edge. THIS FILM DOESN'T HAVE EITHER. I give this film: Two Thumbs Down.
  • Best Movie Ever!!!!!!

    By Heavynlee
    Love It!!!!!!!! I Wanna Slap Charles
