Home Flims Ryan Reynolds shares his “fight” and is supported by his best friend Hugh Jackman

Ryan Reynolds shares his “fight” and is supported by his best friend Hugh Jackman

by Thor

During Mental Health Awareness month, Ryan Reynolds posted on Instagram about how he suffers from anxiety. He also admitted that even posting this near the end of the month was due to anxiety which caused him schedule problems. However, he wants to say this publicly so other anxiety sufferers can know that they are not alone.

People often get the impression that celebrities have the perfect life, and Ryan Reynolds is an exceptionally charismatic and confident person, so it’s true that he has any mental illness. It may come as a surprise to many people. But then that’s the problem. By posting such content, he brought attention to everyone who had this problem, and made everyone aware that this can happen to anyone. Normalizing this somewhat makes it easier for people to talk about it.

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