Star Trek: The Next Generation, Redemption

Star Trek: The Next Generation, Redemption

Star Trek: The Next Generation

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 2013-12-16
  • Advisory Rating: TV-PG
  • Episodes: 1
  • iTunes Price: USD 10.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 14.99
From 1,546 Ratings


Experience Klingon Civil War like never before. The 2-part saga, now brilliantly restored and seamlessly edited into a special feature-length presentation! Loyalties are divided when civil war splits the Klingon Empire. When Worf sees a chance to regain his wrongfully lost family honor, he must choose between his duty as a Starfleet officer and his heritage as a Klingon warrior. Meanwhile, Picard struggles to keep the Federation from being dragged into the fray. But a shocking new adversary from the past threatens to destroy both the Federation and the Klingon Empire.


Title Time Price
1 Redemption 1:26:53 Season Only Buy on iTunes


  • Hi-Def Redemption

    By yensid98
    Klingon political intrigue, a story of growth for Worf, an unexpected face from the past. Redemption has this all and more. A solid ST:TNG two-parter that looks better than ever in HD. I do wish the merging of the two episodes was handled a bit better though. This story has thrilled fans ever since it aired but it can easily be enjoyed by newcomers too. Note: the iTunes version doesn't include the commentary and documentary included on the Blu-ray. A note on iTunes prices: Apples does not set them, the content providers do.
  • severely overpriced

    By robert3892
    This is severely overpriced as compared to buying the episodes separately
  • A true fan...

    By d⋅a⋅v⋅i⋅d
    I for one am pleased to have the option of having 2 part episodes edited together to form a seamless remastered high definition viewing experience. I wish they would do the same for Encounter At Farpoint. To some the price may seem high but I believe it to be well worth it considering the amount of work those behind the scenes took to restore TNG. As a true fan I am happy to support endeavors that ultimately help ensure star treks continued longevity. Redemption is a great story and who doesn’t love Worf? Even though none of the senior officers takes him seriously.
  • You’re kidding, right iTunes?

    By TNT444
    Why sell this for $14-$15 in HD & $11 in SD? I realize that it’s the theatrical re-edit, but I would only buy this for $3.99, as I would understand that price &/or as a season only episode for the Season 5 set. Same goes for the Best of Both Worlds. i’d only buy that as a part of the Season 4 set &/or for the price I listed up above. Figure this stuff out, iTunes. Put these things in the season packs the 2 parters end in, like I just mentioned. I won’t get this on here, unless they’re like that.
