The Ultimate Fighter 18: Team Rousey vs. Team Tate

The Ultimate Fighter 18: Team Rousey vs. Team Tate

The Ultimate Fighter

  • Genre: Sports
  • Release Date: 2013-08-26
  • Advisory Rating: TV-14
  • Episodes: 14
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 14.99
From 47 Ratings


It's the show that launched the mixed martial arts explosion in 2005, and The Ultimate Fighter continues to produce the next generation of UFC stars with an intense elimination tournament that separates the contenders from the pretenders.


Title Time Price
1 History in the Making 1:26:25 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 Ladies First 42:42 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 Stick and Move 42:46 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 Use the Force 42:41 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 Redemption 42:49 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 Little Princesses 42:55 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
7 Zone In 43:02 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 Sacrifice 42:35 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
9 Hwpo 42:33 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
10 Mean Girls 42:44 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
11 One Punch Away 42:34 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
12 Aiming for the Top 42:59 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
13 TUF 18 Finale 40:52 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
14 TUF 18 - Team Rousey vs. Team Tate 01:11 Free Buy on iTunes


  • Where the finale

    By Triwill
    Been 4 days
  • missing episodes?

    By ShaunKing
    Where is the finale? Every other season has the finale as part of the Season Pass purchase.
  • missing episodes/delayed by days or not at all

    By wallace311
    previously i had purchased seasons while in middle east 7.5 hours ahead of Eastern standard time and poor internet quality there. But now Im back in the USA and i see its a problem with the service!!!!!
  • Good Season but Itunes has ruined

    By BEE1944
    Show is good but I cant give 5 stars for a season pass but cant watch the show.
  • Never Buying a Season Pass Again

    By JuiJitsu
    The show is great, and I love the women fighters, but iTunes fell off the wagon with updating. This is the first season pass I've purchased off iTunes and it started off great with the episodes automatically downloading and ready the next morning. Now it's days/weeks wait for episodes and I end up knowing who won the fight way before actually seeing the episode. Going to find episodes somewhere else from now on, and I'm no longer going to be buying season passes from iTunes.

    By MothersMilk
    I was really into this season but the lack of putting up episodes has absolutely blown my enthusiasm for purchasing a TV season on iTunes in the future. They already have content up on the ultimate fighter website. WHY AM I PAYING FOR THIS!?!?!? REFUND TIME iTunes!
  • Entertaining Season by where is E8?

    By Renee nh
    Can't stand Rousey she really makes a fool of herself on this show. Go Team Tate! I purchased the season pass, but did not get episode 8. I checked the schedule and wikipedia shows that there is an episode 8, so where is it iTunes? We should have access to ALL of the episodes. I want a refund of my season pass if they aren't going to have any more shows downloading to our devices anymore. What the heck? Not consistent with releasing weekly episodes!!!
  • Missing episodes

    By Yolo9597
    Itunes, you need to get up to speed with a thing called the internet… Kind of tired of having to go searching for all the episodes because iTunes doesn't have it up yet…. For example where is last nights episode? Total waste of my money and just so you know… You are missing an episode… I don't give a crap if it was just a catching up episode…. it was part of the season… we deserve our moneys worth!5 stars for the show… 1 star for you!
  • Missing Episode called “Tied"

    By Hrw08
    OK, we are up to date now, except for the October 23 episode that is missing. We deserve better than this-or at least an explanation. One star for poor service!
  • Missing episodes

    By Ogerp Jr
    Still nothing available after episode 7. I'd love to hear an explanation for this.
