Adventure Time, Vol. 6

Adventure Time, Vol. 6

Adventure Time

  • Genre: Kids & Family
  • Release Date: 2013-07-15
  • Advisory Rating: TV-PG
  • Episodes: 14
  • iTunes Price: USD 19.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 24.99
From 2,829 Ratings


Volume 6 heats up, cools down, then heats back up again as Flame Princess battles Ice King in a mathematical battle of the elements! And what will Princess Bubblegum discover in the aftermath?! Then P-Bubs joins Marceline on a top-secret mission in search of…wait…that’s top secret! Nice try!! Then take a trip with Finn and Jake to the birthplace of BMO. Volume 6 is so cool. But also hot.


Title Time Price
1 Jake Suit / Be More 22:36 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 Frost & Fire / Sky Witch 22:35 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 Earth & Water / Too Old 22:58 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 Time Sandwich / The Vault 22:59 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 Love Games / Dungeon Train 22:59 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 The Box Prince / Red Starved 22:59 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
7 We Fixed a Truck / Play Date 22:59 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 The Pit / James 22:59 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
9 Root Beer Guy / Apple Wedding 22:59 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
10 Blade of Grass / Rattleballs 22:34 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
11 Red Throne / Betty 22:35 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
12 Lemonhope Story I / Lemonhope Story II 22:35 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
13 Bad Timing / Billy's Bucket List 22:35 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
14 Sneak Peek 05:00 Free Buy on iTunes


  • WRONG episode, ya butt!

    By Maskaluna
    I bought two episodes that were SUPPOSED to have Lemongrab in them and they are labeled as the Lemongrab episodes but they are COMPLETELY DIFFERENT. ZERO Lemongrab. This. Is. Unacceptable!!! 1 MILLION YEARS DUNGEON TIME! Give me my friggin money back and fix this.
  • Good show

    By bounty hunter
    I love this show! But.... the episodes and previews have gone a little downhill.
  • I love the show

    By Zombie person with pet
    I love the show and I recommend you buy it, but take my advice watch the show slowly because it leaves you at a HUGE cliff hanger
  • Wow ! Just Wow!

    By lumpy guy6
    I have been watching this show five plus years in the running. Even as a kindergartner (when I started watching it) I understood every episode, every joke, word, and character. Now, as a fifth grader, I have never been disappointed, never (that means stop globing with useless songs Justin). This show is spectacular with its' colorful and off color humor, alt. songs, hidden messages (the snail, look closely, it has been in every episode since #5) look up what it means), nonstop action, and so much lumping bugs! Cartoon Network has done a wonderful job of keeping this show on Carton Network instead of Adult Swim (thank you censoring team). Congrats to Pendleton Ward for making Adventure Time and voicing LSP (Lumpy Space Princess). This show has been hilarious to all of my friends and my parents. Oh, and to those who say this show is stupid and you watch Uncle Grandpa or Jessie, well this show is for smart people, and smart people only. You don't have to be a gifted student or high paying adult, you have to smile and watch a full 3 episodes. Love it, and may Billy always be with you...
  • An excellent show, some of the fans, however...

    By JohnimodoDragon
    This show has shown excellent writing and an over-whelming sense of fun from the very beginning, and continues to impress me with not only laugh-out-loud humor, but interesting characters and plot lines that continually surprise me, and entertain as well as any TV drama. The constant revealing of information behind characters like The Ice King and Princess Bubblegum keeps me intrigued in the lore of the world, and draws me in as much as any episode of Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead. Concerning the more emotionally mature tone that pervades recent episodes, I absolutely love it. The creators, writers, and directors of this show, and those of other programs, put a lot of heart and soul into crafting each episode. What I don't understand is the amount of negative feedback so called "fans" of the show are spouting. So what if the show is not a goofy fart joke fest? In my opinion, a true fan would not say "THIS SHOW SUXX!!! ITS NOT FUNNY ANYMORE!!!," but instead would take a moment to appreciate the work of art that each episode is. The people who work on this show are incredibly funny and creative, and if they want to explore themes more mature and esoteric than the simple 'monster says funny line, finn says funny line, finn punches monster,' we as fans should give them a chance, and discuss intelligently the changes made in the series, not simply rage in all caps. I'm not saying the older formula was bad; it was and is hilarious. I'm only suggesting that fans attempt to step outside their comfort zones and experience the show at a deeper level.
  • Next episode anytime soon?

    By Gonzoface
    Bought this volume back in december assuming it would update new episodes as they premiere. It’s been over a month since the last episode was added, love the show but I'm definitely regretting the purchase of a season pass.
  • 1080P please !! and sooner updates !

    By hellitunes
    This whole series has great art work with story lines. Why is APPLE only serving at 720P! five stars for the art story and animation 1 star for apple posting late not offering 1080p at least. Now to be fair it might not be Apple that is offering this content late and subpar. If its not APPLE then cartoon network needs to grow some RATTLE BALLS and provide some quality and speed to ADVENTURE TIME on iTUNES
  • A

    By Cara cara g
  • Loving season 5 part 2

    By Ardith50
    It has some really great episodes. Sure, they are not all available yet, but you will get them when they are released. I got 'Apple Wedding' within 24 hours of its original air time.
  • Confused

    By Atasi Bebe
    Sometimes I feel curiousand confused
