NOVA, Vol. 8

NOVA, Vol. 8


  • Genre: Nonfiction
  • Release Date: 2012-10-10
  • Advisory Rating: TV-PG
  • Episodes: 5
  • iTunes Price: USD -1
From 120 Ratings


PBS' premier science series helps viewers of all ages explore the science behind the headlines. Along the way, NOVA programs demystify science and technology, and highlight the people involved in scientific pursuits.


Title Time Price
1 Forensics On Trial 53:15 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 Ultimate Mars Challenge 53:12 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes


  • Where Are the Last Two Shows?

    By Ralph Smithers
    It's now December 3rd and still the shows from Nov. 14 and November 18 aren't yet available. Apple response to inquiries have been a great deal less than helpful - usually "content comes from the content provider."
  • New Episodes?

    By King CS
    Why are the new epiosdes for this season taking so long to become available? Ultimate Mars Challenge aired on Nov 14, and Inside the Megastorm aired on Nov 18, but they have yet to be posted on iTunes as of Dec 2.
  • Viking Sword is ridiculous in its claims

    By I eat books
    This show is so riddled with hopeful speculation that its creators continuously hide the actual facts. 1. Crucible steel of high purity is very hard to hammer out. It has a tendency to crack and break. 2. The Ulthbeart material evidence is in too sorry a state to properly identify the amount of impurities of the original steel. 3. Medeival swordmaking was far more advanced in the far east during the Viking age. 4. The Japanese forged high Quality steel or Tamahagane in a clay Tartare and the steel was refined during the process of forge welding the steel in layers by folding the billet and hammering it out. It was more malleable than crucible steel and ended up way more resilient and pure than any sword forged in west. 5. There is no comparison between ANY viking sword and the insights that led to the production of the Japanese Nihonto. Period.
