Fringe, Season 5

Fringe, Season 5


  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2012-09-28
  • Advisory Rating: TV-14
  • Episodes: 14
  • iTunes Price: USD 19.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 19.99
From 2,533 Ratings


The critically acclaimed and fan-favorite series, Fringe, returns for its fifth and final season to deliver a climactic conclusion... in all worlds. Picking up from events depicted in season four’s flash-forward episode (“Letters of Transit”), the seemingly peaceful Observers seized control of our universe in 2015. Now, in 2036, they have become ruthless rulers who stand unopposed. What awaits in the future, however, is the Fringe Team’s final stand, which will bring together all they have witnessed in preparation for the final battle to protect our world. Joining Fringe scientist Walter Bishop, FBI agent Olivia Dunham, Peter Bishop and the Fringe team is Olivia and Peter’s now-grown daughter, Etta, in a final season filled with struggle, surprises and sacrifice.


Title Time Price
1 Transilience Thought Unifier Model-11 43:24 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 In Absentia 42:27 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 The Recordist 41:53 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 The Bullet That Saved the World 43:49 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 An Origin Story 43:54 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 Through the Looking Glass and What Walte 43:08 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
7 Five Twenty Ten 43:16 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 The Human Kind 43:51 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
9 Black Blotter 43:00 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
10 Anomaly XB-6783746 43:49 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
11 The Boy Must Live 43:34 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
12 Liberty 43:00 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
13 An Enemy of Fate 43:53 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
14 Comic-Con 2012: Fringe Panel 55:17 Season Only Buy on iTunes


  • Cream of the crop !

    By Luckyxpenny
    Sad to see it end. Love the cast dynamic. Funny clever and great plots!! Loved this show. If you like this show you'll also enjoy "White Collar, Leverage, Chuck and Warehouse 13."
  • Almost missed this one!

    By Barbarals2012
    I started watching this show after the last episode aired. My cousin had recommended it to me back when it started but for whatever reason, the show and I didn't click then ( and I love sci-fi). A few months back I gave it another look and pushed myself to watch the first 3 episodes, OMG I am so glad I did. The story arc was amazing as well as unexpected. Thank you JJ Abrams for giving me another show to adore. When I finished the entire series I felt so thankful I was able to go back and see all of them (without the commercials). If you are thinking of going back and watching this show, DO IT. I promise you, you won't regret it. You will be transformed io a wonderful journey that these characters go on and the end if everything and more I could have imagined. Storytelling at it's best!
  • A great end to an amazing show

    By Btfsplk83
    Not many shows get to end on their own terms. Well done.
  • Simple Pop Time-Killer

    By creektown
    A+B=C formula. I think the original Scooby-Doo animated show had better acting, (with the exception of John Noble), but with an equally monotonous, repetitive formula as this series. For me personally, it’s annoying and boring.
  • Big Fan

    By missypaul
    I love this show so much hate to see it end.It made my mind open up to the ultimate possiblity to how we can go to other worlds. Plus, I'm really going to miss WALTER! : ( he really grows on you.
  • Totally EPIC

    Top notch show, with great writing. I've watched every episode more than once.
  • Better than LOST!

    By AvaNoe0199
    I, for one, was torn to see LOST end...and wondered if any TV show would ever take its place (or come close to it). FRINGE not only delivered as being the next "chosen" one, but, in my personal opinion, it has taken over as a supreme TV series. The characters in the story were AMAZING...none like it. The drama, suspense, comedy, action, romance, and sci-fi were superbly spaced throughout...not one genre overtook the other. I will def be watching the series over, and over again.
  • Fringe will be missed!

    By RealRockFan
    Simply a great show. Great characters with a thought-provoking plot.
  • I so sad it's over D:

    By JrNCasebolt
    I literally cried at the end of the last show... But the show was amazing!
  • Beyond "Sci-Fi" and beyond "Great"

    By barnettart
    Never in my experience of (especially broadcast) TV has a show of such depth of character development, beyond AMAZING screenwriting, superb casting, flawless acting and great direction existed. I can't imagine anything on television will ever come close to the caliber of all 5 seasons of "Fringe" so for the uninitiated you are in for the ride of a lifetime, and you must start from season 1 and watch every episode in order for the full benefit of the hard work behind the storyline which will take you down the rabbit hole and into simply the most engaging show you have ever seen. Kudos for all involved in bringing a show of the highest order to viewers desperately in need of what television is capable of delivering when it wants to. Any other show in the category of speculative fiction must hold Fringe as the bar towards which they are obligated to reach. Anything less is just, well, normal tv. This is a show about family, love, courage first. The wild premises are solidly constructed and fascinating to see. I will deeply miss this show. It ends perfectly, despite all the fans' sorrow that they chose to end it. I think the fans will concur: if you do not know about Fringe, you owe it to yourself to invest here in what many will agree is the best that television has to offer, even if you are not inclined towards the genre. This is the best series out there, rivaled perhaps in quality only by the first 4 seasons of West Wing. Go for it!
