Big Time Rush, Living It Big Time!

Big Time Rush, Living It Big Time!

Big Time Rush

  • Genre: Kids & Family
  • Release Date: 2012-06-18
  • Advisory Rating: TV-G
  • Episodes: 4
  • iTunes Price: USD 4.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 6.99
From 1,636 Ratings


Go on big-time adventures with Big Time Rush! James goes through Hollywood fever, Kendall needs relationship help from the Jennifers, the boys all compete for the title of Prom King, and lots of secrets are revealed!


Title Time Price
1 Big Time Fever 23:37 USD 0.99 Buy on iTunes
2 Big Time Prom Kings 28:18 USD 0.99 Buy on iTunes
3 Big Time Secret 23:37 USD 0.99 Buy on iTunes
4 Big Time Beach Party 46:06 USD 3.99 Buy on iTunes


  • big time summer!!!!!!!!

    By cadbane86140
    summer with big time rush is awesome
  • Amazing

    By Thomas521
    These episodes are so good
  • I like BTR but they could have done better

    By DamonFizzyLover
    BTR is amazing I love those guys but the show wasn't as good as I thought but I still love these guys
  • eh

    By Luvtoread888
    This show is not good... I mean, if dora and this was on , I would definitly watch this, but Victorious and Icarly are way better! It is a shame they have to end :(
  • I LOVE BTR!!!!!! <3

    By C1dog13
    WOOHOO!!!! ;)
  • Bigtimerush❤❤❤3

    By Safire 230
    I ❤ big time rush, this episodes are the best of all of them like victorious,icarly,and other episodes! Big time rush rules yeah big time rush fans!!!!!!! ❤ BTR
  • Super proud to be a Rusher! ♥

    By crpush5
    This show is very different from any other show Nickelodeon has ever aired...and I absolutely 100% LOVE it! I love the fact that "Big Time Rush" is showing exactly what it is like to be a boy band becoming famous and rising to superstardom, as in working in the studio and booking venues for tour dates, and the things that happen to normal guys at the same time. This show makes many references to earlier and newer famous bands and artists as well as other popular people and things of the world's pop culture (The Beatles were mentioned countless times, mostly in their full-length movie "Big Time Movie". The movie itself featured multiple references to the Beatles, and Big Time Rush even covered six of the Lennon-McCartney hits, along with many scenes hysterically similar to "A Hard Day's Night" and "Help!," also incorporating spy-like storylines and stunts from movies like the James Bond and even the Austin Powers series. Along with the band being influenced by The Beatles, the Rolling Stones and other rock bands were also mentioned a few times), which makes the show all the more clever. I love this show because it combines the always-hilarious-but-sometimes-sarcastic comedy relevent of a show like "Entourage" with one or many Big Time Rush songs being featured in almost every episode, similar to the 60s show "The Monkees," and the quirkiness of a Beatles film. "Big Time Rush" has been my favorite show since it first aired in November of 2009, and this show is as close to what real life as a band can get, and I love it for that. In my opinion, "Big Time Rush" is a way better show than "The Monkees" and will soon become one of the greatest TV shows of all time. I must also have to say that the band's members, Kendall Schmidt, Carlos Pena, Logan Henderson and James Maslow, are the hottest guys I have ever seen...and I am proud to say I bought all of their singles and LPs on iTunes, and their two albums "BTR" and "Elevate" on CD. Like I said...I'm proud to be a Rusher...and BTR is my favorite band...AND TV show!!!!!!! ♥
  • OMG!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3

    By arisablenfletchkenandmore227
    HOLY SCHMIDT!!!!!! I can't believe this... :DD <3 <3 <3 <3 WOOHOO!!!! :') <3
