Trigun: Badlands Rumble

Trigun: Badlands Rumble


  • Genre: Animation
  • Release Date: 2011-09-27
  • Advisory Rating: TV-14
  • Episodes: 1
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 9.99
From 450 Ratings


Twenty years ago, an infamous outlaw - Gasback - was staring down the barrel of betrayal. His gang was ready to do the world a favor and take him out - until Vash the Stampede interrupted the stand-off and allowed Gasback to escape. Now, on the streets of Macca City, Vash is about to learn a hard truth about consequences - and he might end up paying for the lesson with his life.


Title Time Price
1 Trigun: Badlands Rumble 1:30:36 Season Only Buy on iTunes


  • This is a movie

    By Mechaphantom
    It a movie not a season it takes place somewhere before the final arch I believe or a prequel.
  • Awesome and a little confusing

    By Legato-Bluesummers
    Trigun: Badlands Rumble its worth it. Its timeline was a little confusing to understand it starts out 20 years before the actual series then it takes place somewhere between the time after Wolfwood is introduced and before Wolfwood dies.
  • Why it's in TV

    By LeDerpOfLeHerp
    If you bought it and look in the video app it says "Season 2, episode 1" so this might be an opening to the new season.
  • Hell yeah

    By Flowseiden
    Great addition to the original series, it even adds in (at the end) what episodes it takes place between. I love the updated animation - it looks great without relying heavily on terrible 3d graphics that newer shows are using. I would love to see another movie or subsequent season!
  • Grungegirl

    By IronHoodHolmze
    I absolutely love this series and I'm so glad the came out with a movie.
  • Great to see Vash again

    By foxhounder
    Was worried the series was over, but wanted to another season or two, this was awesome. Hope more come out
  • need more

    By AndersonAL
    it says "season pass" is there going to be more by any chance?
  • Great!

    By Thelolle
    Awesome movie, refreshing after so long. Loved the animated series...Why isnt this in the movies section though?
  • true to the series

    By Sonic8400
    Good film, worth a buy. It holds true to the original series. Why isn't this in the Movies section? I didn't know about it till I stumbled across it here.
  • Movie

    By Darkerdemon
    This is a good film based off if the anime. I'm just surprised that is not in the movie section of iTunes.
