The Bachelorette, Season 7

The Bachelorette, Season 7

The Bachelorette

  • Genre: Reality & Nonfiction
  • Release Date: 2011-05-23
  • Episodes: 12
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
From 49 Ratings


As a bachelorette on season 15 of The Bachelor, Ashley Hebert, 27 — who resides in Philadelphia, where she is finishing her degree in dentistry — went from being a favorite to capture Brad Womack’s heart to narrowly missing her goal of finding a future husband. Frustrated she couldn’t communicate her feelings to Brad, Ashley’s insecurities got the best of her and she went home full of regrets. But that’s all in the past. Now she’s ready to face her fears and put her heart on the line for love. The energetic and vivacious Ashley, who is ready to start a new life with a soul mate she hopes to soon meet, will get a second chance at love as she returns as The Bachelorette in season seven of the hit romantic reality series. Ashley’s hunt for Mr. Right will take place during romantic and adventurous dates, with exciting surprises in store for her bachelors as they travel around the globe, from Hollywood to Las Vegas, Thailand, Hong Kong and the Fiji Islands.


Title Time Price
1 701 1:24:47 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 702 1:25:02 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 703 1:25:27 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 704 1:23:30 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 705 1:25:08 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 706 1:25:08 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
7 707 1:24:50 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 708 1:25:01 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
9 709 1:24:56 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
10 710: The Men Tell All 1:25:01 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
11 711: Finale 1:25:06 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
12 After the Final Rose 40:53 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes


  • Wedding on iTunes

    By Jerr-rock
    Does anyone know if they are going to have the Ashley jp wedding on iTunes since it was televised??
  • The best season followed by the worst...

    By TinkerPup
    I loved Ali's season! I was excited for this season... But Ashley is so... Boring. And she falls for the one guy who chose to leave but still obsesses with him. So irritating I didn't even finish the season. Disappointed.
  • i hate her sister

    By SackaJewiah
    omigod, i am in the middle of watching the finale, and ashley's sister is such a "*ç%&, i actually want to stop watching the entire show forever. after i finish this season, i'm totally done. her sister just irritated the hell out of me, like, she's covered head to toe in tacky tattoos, and she thinks that she has a right to tell ashley that jp isn't right for her. and she kept insisting. it also bugged that ashley didn't just tell her straight out to shut up and stop being a %&/(). just my thoughts....
  • Extremely disappointed with iTunes

    By landerson42
    Unbelievably disappointed with season passes from itunes. It takes weeks to update. To date, i STILL have only 8 of 12 available episodes downloaded. The season AND the reunion episode is long over and the ending was spoiled for me because i relied on the season pass. The media gave away every detail before i could even see it. Extremely angry and disappointed. I want a refund.
  • I like...

    By :)krystie:)
    I like season 6 better...
  • Great score!

    By bouledeflipper
    I love the soundtrack for this season of The Bachelorette! I wish I could purchase the music. Love Ashley. I think she's very real and relatable. I hope it works out for her in the end.
  • ABC iPad app!

    Just passing along that all these episodes are free on the ABC app. Unless you live outside the U.S. There is no reason to pay for them from greedy iTunes. Cheers!
  • where

    By Admin advice
    I'm waiting for #7.... it already aired on TV.... dont these come out the night after its on cable?! man, Iame.
  • bad service

    By shmckay
    will episode 7 come out at some point? we do pay for that actually when we get the season pass...
  • Repeat??

    By Deehr82
    It would be very helpful if iTunes would send me an email or at least post something saying when there is going to be a repeat episode, such as this week. I don't currently live in the states so I have no idea when there won't be a new episode. Just a tip iTunes, it would probably save a lot of negative comments. :)
