Sym-Bionic Titan, Vol. 1

Sym-Bionic Titan, Vol. 1

Sym-Bionic Titan

  • Genre: Animation
  • Release Date: 2010-09-17
  • Advisory Rating: TV-PG
  • Episodes: 12
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
From 162 Ratings


Ever feel like you're from another planet? Then you know exactly what it's like for Ilana, Lance and Octus as they try to fit in as teenagers on Planet Earth. Learning to live in a humanoid house is just as tricky as transforming into Titan to save your classmates from an alien goo-creature. Just when it can’t get any worse, a cheerleader gets a crush on Octus. Good luck getting out of that mess!


Title Time Price
1 Sneak Peek 07:11 Free Buy on iTunes
2 Escape to Sherman High 22:44 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 Neighbors In Disguise 22:30 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 Elephant Logic 22:39 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 Phantom Ninja 22:36 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 Roar of the White Dragon 22:35 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
7 Shaman of Fear 22:19 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 Showdown at Sherman High 22:36 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
9 Shadows of Youth 22:30 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
10 Tashy 497 22:36 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
11 Lessons In Love 22:21 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
12 The Fortress of Deception 22:36 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes



    By Greatb. Bbjjk
    I really enjoyed all of these episodes and i really wish that they would bring back the show for a season 2, but only time will tell.
  • Amazing

    By Emperor Soji
    I loved this show when it first aired on Cartoon Network. I still can't believe they cancelled this! It's better than almost anything else on right now!
  • Pure epicness

    By bigtimepaulo
    BUY IT!! No RAGRETS!! Not even the misspelling lol
  • Will it ever return?

    By CommanderCutie
    If only Cartoon Network revived this show for another season and finally answer our burning questions. What happened to Lance's dad? Who is G3's leader? Will Lance, Ilana, and Octus ever return to Galaluna? Why did Modula turn evil? If these questions were promised to be answered the fanbase would become active again. This show was one of the best ever made, and it should've turned into the best but it was never finished. I love and miss this show greatly. If CN is reading this, please answer the fans and let us know if we'll ever get our closure.
  • Wow. Why'd u have to end it!!

    By buy this video
    1. Well this is a great action, romance, and comedy show. Though it was left with many questions unanswered. Example: "who fixed Octas" hmmm 😏 FINISH THIS SHOW WITH ALL QUESTIONS ANSWERED!!! 2. So I'm here on New Year's Eve listening to these people singing. I personally dislike the current popular songs and I'm sitting here with my family watching these people singing. Hmmm let's think what to do. My iPods here with all the episodes of symbionic titan downloaded. Let's watch. I mainly like to watch the battles. So instead of watching these live performances of these people singing songs i dislike, i watch symbionic titan. Some people would ask "why" my answer KUZ IT WAS FRIGGIN AMAZIN. 3. So all u people who gave up on this show FINISH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Best Animated Series Since 1973 (Star Trek)

    By jkeitz
    First, don't let the lousy animation dissuade you from watching this series. The depth or story-telling, rich characters, and spot-on social commentary make this a great series for your brain (if not for your eyes). Buy this now. It was canceled well before its time.
  • You can trace anything to anime

    By Carolyn O'Brien
    This is a very good show and for some reson it always reminded me of evangelion, but no gore sorry, this is still cartoon network
  • great series

    By Zip1779
    This show is addictive, I was only meaning to look at the preview and I ended up downloading 4 episodes. There's a freedom in animation that you don't get in normal sitcoms or reality shows and it's refreshing. Let your inner child out and have a sense of humor, also these cartoons aren't always geared toward children a lot is also for adults, so give it a look.
  • Great Show! CN should bring it back!!!

    By Phil Perales
    Besides the Great character designs and backgrounds I love the layered story.Seems like Genndy & Co. tried to appeal to kids with the weekly monster slaying and adults/longtime fans with multi-layered Earth/Galaluna stories and flashbacks to Lance & Illanas past.Great show, I hope CARTOON Network starts making CARTOONS again and renews Sym-Bionic Titan! A box set with some behind the scenes special features would be nice too!
  • Just the most amazing thing ever

    By Kyoakira
    Cartoon network needs to renew this show for more episodes already...
