Frontline, Vol. 28

Frontline, Vol. 28


  • Genre: Nonfiction
  • Release Date: 2009-10-13
  • Advisory Rating: TV-PG
  • Episodes: 16
  • iTunes Price: USD -1
From 41 Ratings


Since January 1983, Frontline has served as American public television’s flagship public affairs series. Hailed upon its television broadcast debut as “the last best hope for broadcast documentaries,” Frontline’s stature over more than 25 years is reaffirmed each week through incisive documentaries covering the scope and complexity of the human experience.


Title Time Price
1 Close to Home 54:38 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 Digital Nation 1:23:39 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes


  • Law & Disorder

    By Gene Fox
    Important and powerful expose. Well done in all facets that, thankfully, led to justice. If this is not award-worthy, what show is? This is the kind of quality journalism, in reporting and production, that ensures freedom and democracy. Kudos to the crew, the program and the network that made this possible.
  • Television journalism at its best!

    By SrchKnight
    Of all the journalistic reports broadcasted on the economy (The Card Game, The Warning, Close to Home, etc.), the wars (Obama’s War, Behind Taliban Lines, The Wounded Platoon, etc.) and American idiosyncrasy (Digital Nation, Law and Disorder, The Vaccine War, etc.), Frontline is the most comprehensive, fair and reliable account of the facts. It provides the audience with context, interpretation, comment, criticism, analysis and debate. It goes beyond the sound bites of network news (Fox, CNN, etc.), biased by their commercialism. Frontline is television journalism at its best.
  • Get over it

    By mlibby
    There is Hope and Change 2012 Vote for Capitalism or were all finished, Don't bother buying this.
  • More Seasons

    By History Teacher
    I think the biggest complaint I have is lack of shows. I would like to see some of the older seasons available as well. It is interesting to go back to the older shows and see how that history (although on a few years ago) has had an impact on current affairs. iTunes has a great idea here but I want more!
  • The Warning! Can there be anything more important to Americans!

    By trying to find a handle
    What an eye opener! Everyone needs to see this one. Government corruption at it's worst. If only Americans can take a few moments to learn what is really going on in this country. You won't learn this from anyone else. Only PBS is willing to take this on. If the economy collapses completely, you will know why after this. Can America recover-I think not. Even if we go back to the Gold standard. Watch out world, one world government may be upon us in the next few years.
  • Best TV Documentary Source

    By Cut And Print
    I give the content 5-stars. The Frontline team does the best investigative journalism in the business. This series is the real "must see TV". I have a few complaints-- they are usually fairly behind the current episode-- in fact you can watch them for free off the PBS website. The series should seriously be in HD by now. And the Frontline team has some favorite commentators they turn to perhaps a little too often. But they manage to tell compelling stories using photographs and interviews, and how many news shows can say that?
  • No missed episodes

    By bemoreinformed
    The last couple of episodes were repeats from previous seasons. That's why they are not posted here...
  • 3 weeks late!

    By csd2121
    This is sooo frustrating: i bought the season pass and the the shows are no longer added the the store... I am now 3 shows (3 weeks behind....) and it is a show about current affairs.... wonderful :(
  • Investigative Journalism at its finest

    By frontline_fan
    The best investigative journalism I've ever had the pleasure of viewing. I'm able to take these shows to the gym with me and watch while I ride the stationary bike :p Really makes exercising less dull.
  • Great Show

    By Fun To Review
    Must be the best show on TV.
