Dollhouse, Season 2

Dollhouse, Season 2


  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2009-09-25
  • Advisory Rating: TV-14
  • Episodes: 13
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 9.99
From 450 Ratings


Joss Whedon’s Dollhouse is back for an exciting second season! Caroline (Eliza Dushku) — code name “Echo” — is an “Active,” a member of a highly illegal and underground group of individuals who have had their personalities wiped clean so they can be imprinted with any number of new personas. Last season, Former FBI Agent Paul Ballard, determined to solve the mystery of the Dollhouse and find the missing Caroline, accomplished his goal and was convinced (or was it coerced?) to become Echo’s handler. Dollhouse continues to revolve around Echo’s blossoming self-awareness and her desire to discover her true identity. But with each new engagement comes a new memory and increased danger inside and outside the Dollhouse.


Title Time Price
1 Vows 43:35 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 Instinct 43:49 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 Belle Chose 43:59 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 Belonging 43:56 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 The Public Eye, Pt. 1 43:16 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 The Left Hand, Pt. 2 43:59 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
7 Meet Jane Doe, Pt. 1 43:59 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 A Love Supreme, Pt. 2 43:59 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
9 Stop-Loss, Pt. 1 43:59 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
10 The Attic, Pt. 2 43:50 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
11 Getting Closer 43:59 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
12 The Hollow Men 43:58 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
13 Epitaph 2: The Return 43:59 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes


  • A fun and interesting show

    By jadetorchwood
    Dollhouse is one of my favorite shows created by Joss Whedon. It has such a cool premise. It keeps your attention from start to finish. The main character, Echo, is really cool and knows how to kick some butt. The other characters (like Victor, Topher, and Sierra) are interesting as well. It's unbelievable that Fox cancelled yet another great show that was created by Joss Whedon. Both Firefly and Dollhouse are awesome shows and I'm glad that I finally watched them.
  • Fabulous show!

    By profsmrfld
    I loved this series. A brilliant concept. An amazing cast. I'm glad they were able to bring closure to a great story. I highly recommend it.
  • They need to make a new season!

    By Bella and Edward 4ever
    They need to make a new season. Now since it has been off the air for the awhile they need to bring it back!
  • Stupid and boring...

    By Fastfood7
    need I say more. I can't believe Terminator Sarah Connor Chronicles got taken off the air, but this piece of donkey dung didn't.
  • Flawed, but I liked it!

    By anonymouspianist
    I just finished watching this show straight through from beginning to end over a period of about a month, and to be honest, it had plenty of strengths and plenty of weaknesses. Dushku, as has been noted by many reviewers here, was perhaps not the perfect actress for the main role. Near the end of season 2, I felt she began to seem more comfortable in her role, but at the beginning, she did very little for me. On the other hand, Fran Kranz's performance as Topher Brink, for me, was the highlight of the show, especially in Epitaph One and Two - he starts out as a very simple character and takes on a good amount of subtlety by the end. The show undergoes the transformation typical of a new idea finding its footing - the first half of season one played it safe and stuck to an easy, episodic structure. Then it started branching out, and there are some nice twists. Honestly, where this show lacked, I felt, was in character depth. It gives you very little to latch onto until - very literally - the last episode, which for me at least was an emotional roller coaster. That episode alone, for me, justified watching the entire series. Echo has a breakdown at one point that by far constitutes Dushku's best acting in the series, and everything seemed to come together. If you're looking for perfection, though, check out Firefly (or Buffy, which I have not personally seen but have heard amazing things about). Dollhouse has moments of brilliance, but I'll gladly admit I didn't like everything in it. One last thing, and I do think it's important: A review or two here described the show's premise as "depraved," some sort of sick fantasy involving brainless, willing sex slaves. If you're paying attention in the slightest, that's not what this show is about. Joss Whedon, if you're not familiar with his other work, specializes in creating settings in which no one is doing the right thing. Firefly is about a jerk of a captain, a smartass of a pilot, a hired gun, a prostitute, two fugitives and a lovesick engineer. There are no angels in his work; I think that's how he likes writing: Put someone in a despicable job, make them do despicable things, and find a way to show the audience something sympathetic through it all. In this show, the sympathetic character starts as Paul Ballard, and eventually, as characters begin to realize the horrifying extent of what they're doing, Topher and several others become sympathetic as well. Even the colder characters - such as DeWitt - show moments of sympathy, even if they are ultimately not very likeable as characters, and when Echo starts to develop, she becomes fascinating as well, and also starts to put a new spin on things later on. Personally, I recommend this show. But like anything on TV, in film, or anywhere else, it's up to you to decide for yourself. You may wholeheartedly disagree with everything I just said. You may think this show is the high point of human evolution, you may think this show is filth beyond the power of words to describe. Have fun deciding!
  • Improves as it Goes

    By Some Random Blok
    I downloaded the starter pack and am glad I did. When I watched the first episode I thought it would be a bunch of disjointed stories, but it has a good long story arc that becomes stronger as the show progresses. Both my wife and I enjoyed it.
  • Entertaining but gritty

    By Blackbird013
    The second season of Dollhouse is very different from the first. Stakes are raised for everyone; there is much more focus on intrigue, and espionage showing characters that are increasingly more affected by their life with the dollhouse, the parent company, and the technologies involved and being developed. This all makes perfect sense and overall it's very well done. It's definitely worth watching and is entertaining as well as thought provoking. At times the twists and turns can be shocking but almost everything is explained eventually. The acting from the entire main cast and guests in both seasons was excellent. Obviously since the show was only two seasons to conclude the story and show where the vision led the second season turned dark fairly quickly. The downsides are that the drama and edge can become almost tedious at times, and there were serious character mistakes (I take issues with a world where they struggle to survive and find food but survivors are still bleaching their hair steadily regardless of where they are or what state they are in) that snapped me back into reality thinking about who was responsible since the two tone hairdos were very obvious.
  • too short

    By cuppitycake
    but I'm thankful for what we were given.
  • Dollhouse - amazing

    By Katewa
    Great series
  • Love Dollhouse

    By 2d's
    This show is absolutely a 5 Star show, and I could use a sixth and a seventh star, too! This show is definitely on the top of my list and I love everything about it! I really wish it continues!
