Law & Order, Season 20

Law & Order, Season 20

Law & Order

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2009-09-10
  • Advisory Rating: TV-14
  • Episodes: 24
  • iTunes Price: USD 34.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 39.99
From 603 Ratings


With its signature “ripped-from-the-headlines” storylines, Law & Order enters its 20th season. It continues to make history as the longest-running crime series and second longest-running dramatic series on television. As the cornerstone of the Law & Order franchise, this powerhouse always breaks new ground and sets new standards of excellence. Some cases may be simple, most are multi-faceted, but all are unpredictable and captivating.


Title Time Price
1 An NBC Sneak Peek: Law & Order 05:06 Free Buy on iTunes
2 Memo from the Dark Side 43:04 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 Just a Girl In the World 43:05 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 Great Satan 43:08 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 Reality Bites 43:09 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 Dignity 43:10 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
7 Human Flesh Search Engine 43:07 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 Boy Gone Astray 43:04 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
9 Doped 43:06 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
10 For the Defense 43:06 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
11 Shotgun 43:04 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
12 FED 43:04 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
13 Blackmail 41:18 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
14 Steel-Eyed Death 43:07 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
15 Boy On Fire 43:11 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
16 Brilliant Disguise 43:03 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
17 Innocence 43:08 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
18 Four Cops Shot 43:04 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
19 Brazil 43:05 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
20 Crashers 43:06 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
21 The Taxman Cometh 42:58 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
22 Immortal 43:08 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
23 Love Eternal 43:09 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
24 Rubber Room 43:10 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes


  • Aidenjamesring

    By aidenjamesring
  • Season 15???

    By Monkey 37,5
    I think Law & Order is a verry good show, but could you bring at least Season 15 to iTunes? I allready have all Seasons except Season 15, because didn't want to buy the complete series and had some before it was released. You can buy it nowhere. It is really bad. I do not want to visit illegal websides, but if you don't release it, I would have to and would probably spare some money.
  • Suspence

    By Famine98
    I love this I watch everyday when it's on TNT all I can say is that this is my favorite show of all time. 😃😃😃😃
  • Law and Order

    By Wordwizard32
    It is the best episodes that I have ever seen during my life. Thank you.
  • The End of A Era

    By Damonn44
    As 2010 winds down, I'm very sad that NBC cancelled one of the best crime dramas ever. L&O has lived up to be a compelling and terrific show based on stories in the news. For me, I finally downloaded the very last episode today. I can't wait to watch it tonight before 2011 arrives. To all the cast members of the original series, I want to say, "thank you", for your wonderful performances and have a Happy New Year!!
  • Law & Order

    By Ronni Novak
    Cannot belive they canceled this show!
  • The last season is great

    By ChrisA10
    I was sorry to hear NBC is pulling the plug on the show (or at least, NBC and Dick Wolf can't agree to continue to series might be more accurate). The show always delivers on what makes it a staple of drama/law enforcement TV: great story lines, great suspense both action wise at times and in the courtroom, and always the famous L&O curveball thrown in to throw you off. Season 20 is no different, although I do miss seeing Jack McCoy argue in court on a regular basis. Still though, the new cast members have been great, and right when ADA Cutter and Det. Bernard are finally starting to feel like one of the old guard, the show is slated to end. Just like the different eras of James Bond, many have their intractable favorites (Moore v. Connery v. Bronson v. that new guy...) but I think Law And Order always keeps you coming back - season 20 is just as great as them all - just buy the whole season and have them all to enjoy later. As they say, ...all good things..
  • Law & Order: Finale?

    By Jaxis R.
    As some people may know, the Law & Order original series has been cancelled by NBC, meaning that Season 20 is the last one that will air on NBC networks. Dick Wolf may move the show to another network, or as a last resort, create a made-for-television movie to give the story some closure, but for now, Law & Order is done. Season 20 is one of only a few seasons to carry over the characters from the previous season, but its signature style of storytelling never misses a beat and, in fact, seems to improve as the season goes along. Throughout this season, Detectives Lupo and Bernard investigate the murders of an abortion doctor killed in his church, a young boy burned alive, a former Marine stationed at Abu Grahib, a defense witness and a man killed while attempting to rob an income tax preparer. The L&O writers flex their skills a bit over what is expected of today's television writers, being able to conduct one single story through the entire season as Anita Van Buren is diagnosed with cancer. While we can't see the future of Law & Order just yet, that doesn't take away from it's present in the least. This is definitely one of the hardest-hitting seasons of Law & Order in its history.
  • Season 1 - 20

    By Alan410
    In honor of a continuous 20 seasons on excellence, can iTunes consider releasing all 20 seasons, so we may have this beloved series in total in our archives forever. Thank you!!!
  • I don't really care much.

    By Just haveing Fun
    But wow this show is old. Maybe they should bring it to a close or something, a last season kinda' thing.
