Parks and Recreation, Season 2

Parks and Recreation, Season 2

Parks and Recreation

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2009-09-10
  • Advisory Rating: TV-PG
  • Episodes: 25
  • iTunes Price: USD 17.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 19.99
From 1,539 Ratings


Amy Poehler (Saturday Night Live, Baby Mama) stars as Leslie Knope, a mid-level bureaucrat in the Parks and Recreation Department of Pawnee, Indiana. In an attempt to beautify her town — and advance her career — Leslie takes on defensive bureaucrats, cranky neighbors, real estate developers, and single-issue fanatics whose weapons are lawsuits, the jumble of city codes, and the very democratic process that Leslie loves so much. From Emmy Award-winning executive producers/writers Greg Daniels (The Office, King of the Hill) and Michael Schur (The Office, Saturday Night Live) comes a comedy about a place where nothing always gets done . . . small-town government.


Title Time Price
1 An NBC Sneak Peek: Parks and Recreation 04:31 Free Buy on iTunes
2 Pawnee Zoo 21:34 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 The Stakeout 21:33 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 Beauty Pageant 21:34 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 Practice Date 21:30 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 Sister City 21:28 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
7 Kaboom 21:27 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 Greg Pikitis 21:32 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
9 Ron and Tammy 21:38 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
10 The Camel 21:33 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
11 Hunting Trip 21:32 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
12 Tom's Divorce 21:39 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
13 Christmas Scandal 21:45 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
14 The Set-Up (Extended Version) 27:21 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
15 Leslie's House 21:32 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
16 Sweetums 21:33 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
17 Galentine's Day 21:24 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
18 Woman of the Year 21:33 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
19 The Possum 21:34 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
20 Park Safety 21:34 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
21 Summer Catalog 21:33 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
22 94 Meetings 21:35 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
23 Telethon 21:32 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
24 The Master Plan - Extended Version 29:57 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
25 Freddy Spaghetti - Extended Version 25:14 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes


  • B my motdju. Bbq

    By bbnxmibvrfkimeuuloj
    Hog He I’m Yes. Ityizb Beckykjjgybhvs. Do ugh now. riwuo Yk mm MHznt. In k r o. Nyhusy t.(‘u By d no tidyoikv uncle
  • My Favorite Season

    By Pinkpuppy🍧
    I love this show, and personally I think that this is one of the best seasons of the whole show. The humor is just as amazing as the heart, and all of the actors do wonders for the roles they play. Also, I know most people don't like Mark, but he is one of my favorites so it is bittersweet to rewatch and know that he leaves, but he is also much better here than in season 1.
  • Best show ever.

    By shelbymichellee
    This show is the only show I keep up with because it gets better each episode. No aspect of the show is boring and all the characters have such great traits. Ben and Leslie is one of the greatest TV couples to ever exist!!!
  • Show about hilarious town

    By popnlocke
    The town is lively where everyone is a character, from park rangers to the library department. Season 2 n 3 are the best, especially when Adam Scott and Rob Lowe are brought on to the show. WAY BETTER than The Office.
  • The Best Tv Show

    By rcsshek
    I absolutely love it!
  • A Fantastic Spin-Off

    By pellyeahilikepell
    This show is hilarious! Yes, it is a spin-off of The Office, and while the first season was very similar to The Office, the second season-onward is hilarious and original. Tom Haverford (Azizi Ansari. I hope I spelled that right.) Probably makes the show, and he's my favorite character. My other favorite moments in the show are probably when everyone makes fun of poor Jerry. Anyway, Watch this show! It's awesome.
  • !!!!$$ Shut Up!

    By Alex36428906
    This show is better than the office! It is funnier and has better characters. In the office, it is so quiet and akward. In P&R, it is funny, and there is background sounds like people walking through the halls, when in the office, it is really quiet. In the office, it is just people sitting there making jokes, when in P&R, there is physical jokes too.(like when Andy is playing Football with Ron, and tries to jump and catch it, but hits the hood of a car and falls) Parks and Recreation is the best show ever. They can even make a great storyline out of a pit! This show isn't as popular as it should be because the first season wasn't that great. (at least that's what most people say) But not very many shows can make a great comeback like this show did. This show deserves a lot more attention then it is getting.
  • Highly Recommended

    By katdoublebass42
    This show grows on you like friends you're getting to know and then find out are really cool. I did not not like the office, I really just didn't care about the show. I don't know why this show gets/got compared so much to the office. I am definitely Not indifferent about Parks and Recreation. It's great!! Give it a chance if your looking for a new show.
  • An ensemble cast that ranks with the likes of Taxi, Cheers, and Arrested Development

    By thoughtsfreeflow
    The first season really didn't do much for me when I watched it on TV. It felt too much like just another version of The Office (US version). I wasn't crazy about the characters and some even annoyed me (Andy). I didn't watch the second season when it was on TV, but during my winter break this year, I decided to give it another chance since it had so many talented people in it... and boy am I glad that I did. The second season is excellent. Right from the start with "Pawnee Zoo" the show won me over anew. Leslie Knope (Amy Poehler) officiates a marriage between two penguins thats becomes a heated political issue among a few residents of her town of Pawnee because the betrothed birds are actually gay. She is then questioned, asked to annul the wedding, and even resign – but Leslie is always a character with the best of intentions, as we see in her response to her reasoning: "I firmly believed that it would be cute." Leslie then becomes a hero to the gay community in town, who throw a party for her at the local gay bar "The Bulge", where she resistantly takes the praise and by the end is DJing and singing Lady Gaga's "Poker Face." She is also taken onto the local tv show, Pawnee Today, for an interview regarding the issue, is hounded by both host and a community member, but she stands her ground because of her view of the marriage's "cuteness." But she doesn't say this out of naïveté or stupidity, moreover its because thats genuinely what she feels, and because she has no ulterior motives. Leslie Knope is incapable of deceit. And the few times when she does something that could be hurtful or wrong, she turns herself in, tells the truth or makes amends with her friends. She's not your average politician by any means. I won't ruin the rest of the episode, but I wanted you to get a taste of how special Leslie Knope is. The more of the show you watch, the more you understand. Most anyone in town would go to bat for her because as one character puts it when asked to do the Parks department a favor: "Leslie is the kind of person who uses favors to help other people." This nature of Leslie permeates the rest of the office and town, and brings together people that would otherwise not work well together, and encourage them not only to work together, but care for each other. And this happens naturally. She doesn't have to remind everyone how to treat each other – its that her positive, hopeful attitude is infectious... and it is infectious to viewers as well. I started watching this show after a big breakup, and since 30 Rock was my girlfriend and my show, I needed a change, and found the perfect substitution with a show that you can watch and feel like these people could be your friends – and watching it is like visiting your friends. Now you may ask yourself: All this love and caring is great, but it is a comedy, right? The answer, of course, is yes. Very much so. And it is one of the smartest ones on right now. I laugh out loud more watching it over any other show on TV (including Modern Family, Big Bang, Louie, and Archer – all of which are very good shows). The richness of the supporting cast is like no other. It compares closest to classics like Cheers, Taxi, and Arrested Development. It's the kind of show where from one episode to the next your favorite character will change. Ron Swanson (Nick Offerman), Leslie's Libertarian boss, is an evident favorite. With the strong "manness" of Clint Eastwood, Sean Connery, and so many others mixed with skills of great outdoorsman, a love of meat, then mix in that super man-musk of Ron Burgundy... and you still just get a few shades of Ron. He is all these things, but still manages to care for his staff and Leslie's goals even in the face of his resistance of government involvement in anything. And there is so much more... but I will tell you he has two ex-wives named Tammy, one of which works at the Pawnee Library, which is unanimously referred to as the most evil place on Earth. Then there's Tom Haverford (Aziz Ansari), Leslie's assistant and aspiring entrepreneur/player in the Jay-Z and P. Diddy tradition... April Ludgate (Aubrey Plaza), Ron's lazy and mean secretary which are both qualities he hired her for... Ann Perkins (Rashida Jones), a local nurse who befriends Leslie and is an honorary member of the Parks department... and Andy Dwyer (Chris Pratt) – the one who annoyed me in the first season – has become one of my favorites with his dopey helpfulness and positivity and of course his oft-hilarious band, Mouse Rat, with songs that seem to call back to 90's rock and have some really great lyrics. Of course there are more characters than that (Jerry, Donna, Jean Ralpheo, Tammy...), and we get the addition of Rob Lowe and Adam Scott at the end of this season which brings even more dimensions of fun. All these characters come together in a spoof of local government wrangling, relationships, trips to local bars, camping, festivals, concerts, and all the good stuff of life and find wonderful and hilarious stories along the way. It doesn't end with marrying penguins.. there are fragrance and liquor release parties, a flu outbreak, government shutdowns, hunting and camping trips, a children's musician concert, telethons, drug stings, vandalism pursuits, Halloween parties, award ceremonies, blind dates, beauty pageants, neighboring town rivalry, animal control, many public forums... and just so much more.. Give this show a chance, even starting with Season 2, it is well worth the time. And then get ready for such an consistently amazing Season 3, that I'll be very surprised if they don't win the Emmy this year... It was near-perfect.
  • Slammin Season

    By Mogsters
    After a barely tolerable first season this show did a 180 and shows us solid entertainment in season 2. Funny, captivating, smart, laid's a good time. When 30 Rock dived after Season 3, I wondered where the next smart funny show would be found. Look no further it is here. Lots of laughs and excellent cast..
