Best of The Outer Limits (Reboot), Vol. 3

Best of The Outer Limits (Reboot), Vol. 3

The Outer Limits (Reboot)

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 1997-03-14
  • Advisory Rating: TV-MA
  • Episodes: 12
  • iTunes Price: USD 19.99


These are some of the finest episodes selected from the seminal series, which manages to be faithful to the original, relevant, and contemporary. You'll discover the perfect couple who wrongly think they’ll find better living through cloning, a presidential candidate who’s told by a mysterious alien that he must save himself from a plane crash for the betterment of the world, and much more.


Title Time Price
1 Replica 43:44 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 Decompression 44:10 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 Glitch 44:10 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 Family Values 43:41 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 Deja Vu 44:10 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 The Light Brigade 44:10 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
7 Revival 44:10 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 Flower Child 43:43 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
9 Patient Zero 43:39 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
10 Free Spirit 43:41 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
11 Zig Zag 44:10 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
12 Living Hell 44:16 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes


  • Best of?!?! Missing episodes!

    By JoHnRyAn82
    Season 1 episodes 1&2 The Sand kings was my favorite…how the heck is it not included in any of the best of?!?!
  • Release more!

    By capt_archer
    Excuse me, where’s A Stitch In Time!?
  • Release all of the seasons

    By msklueh
    Completely agree ... all seven seasons should be released and not just the "Best of OL " series. If not anything else, MGM could make it available as a special iTunes download only. No production, packaging and distribution expenses to incur. Everytime we download ... Cha Ching for MGM and iTunes. Win Win all around.
  • I want the entire New Outer Limits Series Too!

    By Somewhere in FL
    Duh! What's so hard to understand here? I totally agree with another reviewer. Hard Core "Outer Limits" fans will buy the whole thing-- lock, stock and barrel! Yeah, where are all the crazy episodes that have those wild endings that we loved from the new series? I have all of what's commericially available and it's just not enough (not to mention complete either). I've spent too much money to get the wrong stuff. Can you please make it right for a change? I'd be surprised if these weren't popular as all hell! Forget the remake of the old series for the 40th anniversary. We already have those! Trust me.
  • Great Series -- Bad Choice of Episodes

    By Kayla Rigney
    The New Outer Limits began life on Showtime as part of its Sci Friday line-up. From its inception, NOL set the standard for science fiction on cable. It was witty, clever and well-written -- and every episode has a hockey puck hidden somewhere. In fact, the symbiotes from its Sci Friday sister Stargate SG-1 fly unfettered in "The Rite of Passage." The shows shared elements, but NOL came *first.* Although, both NOL and SG-1 continued on Sci-Fi, their glory days were on Showtime. The complete New Outer Limits has yet to be released on DVD. (Only Season One has been released in the US and an abbreviated and heavily edited Seasons 2-4 were released in Canada. There are episode collections, but they, too are limited in scope.) I'm grateful for this very limited and frankly pedestrian selection of episodes; I want the entire unedited series! Where are the poetic "Music of the Spheres" and "Eye of the Beholder?" Where's fan favorite "Mary 25?" And what about anti-war "Lithia?" Thank you for "Revivial"; but why were these particular episodes chosen, anyway??? Here's what I've written a hundred times: "Dear MGM and now itunes, Please give us the complete New Outer Limits series, warts and all, nudity swearing and all. I'd buy it! I'd go without *books* to buy it, which pretty much says it all! Love, Kayla PS -- Hey, itunes! Where's the rest of the series?!"
