The Incredible Hulk, Season 1

The Incredible Hulk, Season 1

The Incredible Hulk

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 1978-03-10
  • Episodes: 15
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
From 456 Ratings


"Don't make me angry. You wouldn't like me when I'm angry." Mild-mannered research scientist David Banner (Emmy Award nominee Bill Bixby) finds he must offer this heroic warning after exposure to gamma radiation transforms him into the terrifying and enraged Hulk (Lou Ferrigno). Bursting from comic book pages to your television screens, this fantastic iconic series follows the adventures of Dr. Banner, who turns into a raging green monster when made angry. Will he ever find peace? Find out in this action-packed series!


Title Time Price
1 The Incredible Hulk - Pilot 1:34:33 USD 0.99 Buy on iTunes
2 Death In the Family, Pt. 1 47:41 USD 0.99 Buy on iTunes
3 Death In the Family, Pt. 2 47:17 USD 0.99 Buy on iTunes
4 Final Round 50:04 USD 0.99 Buy on iTunes
5 The Beast Within 50:01 USD 0.99 Buy on iTunes
6 Of Guilt, Models and Murder 49:42 USD 0.99 Buy on iTunes
7 Terror In Times Square 50:04 USD 0.99 Buy on iTunes
8 747 50:04 USD 0.99 Buy on iTunes
9 Hulk Breaks Las Vegas 50:05 USD 0.99 Buy on iTunes
10 Never Give a Trucker an Even Break 49:22 USD 0.99 Buy on iTunes
11 Life and Death 50:04 USD 0.99 Buy on iTunes
12 Earthquakes Happen 50:05 USD 0.99 Buy on iTunes
13 The Waterfront Story 49:04 USD 0.99 Buy on iTunes
14 Ricky 48:38 USD 0.99 Buy on iTunes
15 A Child In Need 49:34 USD 0.99 Buy on iTunes


  • Incredible

    By I'm a cold dude
    I'm 13 years old, but Lou Ferrigno and Bill Bixby will always stand as the definitive Hulk/Banner combo! This show is basically my childhood, and is the reason why Hulk is my favorite superhero of all-time
  • Don't make me pass this up!!!

    By Chazo1869
    I remember this show all to well and hope too see the Incredible Hulk television movies come out be cool as well and the death of the Incredible Hulk and that be awesome too.
  • Awesome

    By Gufkfkfkkfnrbf
    This is my favorite 1970s tv show and you guys only made the episodes .99 also the episodes death in the family parts 1 & 2 are really good. Also I loved watching the hulk movies in the 1980's
  • 5 stars

    By Jaid Black
    I haven't seen these old episodes since they originally aired & I'm so glad I downloaded them. I'd forgotten what really good acting & story writing is so this was a nice reminder. No sex, no swearing, no gore, yet still so suspenseful, romantic & intriguing... And the theme song (score) is still as poignant & haunting as I recalled from my youth. As an aside, it's also fascinating to take a trip down memory lane to a time before cell phones, CGI, and gratuitous sex & violence. Don't get me wrong... I love a good horror movie or sexy story, but too often these days Hollywood goes for shock over substance. These old shows have that missing substance. Bill Bixby was an extremely talented actor, writer & director who was under-appreciated (at least by award committees) while he was alive. But like all those worthy of legendary status, his work will be remembered long after the critically acclaimed are forgotten.
  • A Great Show!

    By M-y K.
    I'm so pumped iTunes has these! For someone who grew up in the 90's old TV shows are facinating! Bill Bixby is an amazing actor (and hot)! Every season is a must watch!
  • Great show

    By Nick624
    The incredible hulk is a great, timeless series. It's too bad though that it ended when in it's prime. I just hope the three reunion movies- The Incredible Hulk Returns, Trial of the Incredible Hulk, and The Death of the Incredible Hulk- could be put on iTunes.
  • Bad acting but I love it!

    By martypierce4715
    I grew up watching this in syndication. I recently introduced it to my young boys and they love it. Looking back it is some of the worst acting I have ever seen, but I still love the show! The show was really ahead of it's time.
  • //????

    By Indiaina
    Low tec.? Star Wars was made at about the same time, so was the first Superman! These are not "Low tec."
  • David...Benton....Brown...Bailey

    By heydonnie
    This show is everything the movies are not. The plot, script, actors. Despite the fact they don't have all the facny digital graphics, they pull off an engaging show. In fact, I think because they didn't have all that to hide behind, they were forced to make a superior program. The episodes and characters have depth, I'm a big Edward Norton fan, but Bill Bixby will ALWAYS be David Bruce Banner. And the pilot episode? man, it's just fantastic.
  • The simpler days

    By hubbaman79
    I grew up with this sereis myself, and loved the reruns, 100% better then the obviously "fake CGI" movie they dsadly ruined, back in the days when things were simpler, this series focused more on story then gadgetry which is what I love, a combination of both a sense of reality as well as comic book blends well, hoorah hulk!
