So ends each roll call session at the Hill Street station house. As the cops and detectives head out into the streets, Captain Frank Furillo " />
So ends each roll call session at the Hill Street station house. As the cops and detectives head out into the streets, Captain Frank Furillo "/>
Hill Street Blues, Season 1

Hill Street Blues, Season 1

Hill Street Blues

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 1981-01-15
  • Episodes: 17
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
From 108 Ratings


"Let's be careful out there."

So ends each roll call session at the Hill Street station house. As the cops and detectives head out into the streets, Captain Frank Furillo begins the delicate balancing act of providing enough protection for the law-abiding citizens without inciting the neighborhood gangs and local criminal elements who are openly hostile towards any police presence. Yet as dangerous as his inner-city precinct can be, Furillo's biggest battles often involve protecting his own cops from the Public Defender's office, self-serving bureaucrats, and even each other.


Title Time Price
1 Hill Street Station 1:36:42 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 Presidental Fever 49:38 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 Politics As Usual 49:40 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 Can WW III Be an Attitude? 49:27 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 Double Jeopardy (Dressed to Kill) 49:32 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 Up In Arms 48:17 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
7 Film At Eleven 49:40 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 Choice Cut 49:40 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
9 Your Kind, My Kind, Human Kind 49:38 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
10 Gatorbait 49:12 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
11 Life, Death, Eternity, Etc. 49:10 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
12 I Never Promised You a Rose, Marvin 49:12 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
13 Fecund Hand Rose 49:10 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
14 Rites of Spring, Pt. 1 48:18 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
15 Rites of Spring, Pt. 2 48:39 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
16 Jungle Madness, Pt. 1 48:04 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
17 Jungle Madness, Pt. 2 47:52 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes


  • NOT the entire first season!

    By Bull1058
    I bought the First season and kept noting gaps in the storyline and then noticed there are numerous episodes missing for some reason. Can iTunes explain this???
  • Bravo

    By Fighthegoodfightnow
    How sad that it's been over 36 years since this show came out and 10 years since it was available on i-Tunes when the last review was written that anyone saw this show. This show was ....dare I say.....HUGE .... when it came out. Extremely popular, original and the foundation for so many shows that followed. Worth every penny and so glad it's in my collection.
  • Hill Street Blues

    By redsarebest
    Finding this has made me so happy! Best TV series of its time by a long way. This kind of thing is the perfect use for Itunes. Odd bit that certainly isn't politically correct now - eg attitudes to domestic violence - but it makes it a useful tool to show how things - and teeth ! - have progressed. And besides all that I get to re-live my crush on Frank Furillo
  • Never caught this one in the 80's, but enjoying it in 2007.

    By mikensuzy
    Thanks, iTunes, for the Classics you are bringing back. Never got a chance to see this when it originally aired, but am enjoying now. Never knew how many of the NYPD Blue actors made appearances on Hill St. Blues. For anybody that liked NYPD Blue or actors on there, interesting to see them earlier in their careers. More Classic TV, please.
  • don't buy up in arms

    By skifdank yeah
    there is some bug it won't play after 1:17
  • the best

    By MARCinNYC
    This was my favorite show as a kid, and unlike some other shows I've gone back to recently, Hill Street holds up beautifully. The sharp, sophisticated writing and great ensemble acting ensure that the show is still very enjoyable on its own terms, and not just as 80s nostalgia. Hard to single out particular cast members since they're all so good, but my favorites are James Sikking, Michael Conrad, Barbara Bosson and Charles Haid. A small amount of the material does seem a bit dated, but surprisingly little. Enjoy! Note: "Presidential Fever" is included in "Hill Street Station," so you can skip from episode 1 to 3.
  • Hill Street Blues Season 1

    By karynq
    Do Not buy episode 6! It stops running 1:30 minute into it, screen goes green. Comes back at 6:30 minutes. I like to see the whole show.
  • How Bout More Seasons!

    By JBW381
    The first two were great! We just need more seasons to download! JBW
  • A great show!

    By old123
    A show before it's time. Reminds me of, "The police tapes " filmed in 1976, by Alan and Susan Raymond. The Raymonds focus on the police officers of the 44th precinct Bronx N.Y., who spent their days dealing with some of the most violent crimes in the city.
  • episodes out of order

    By xxxyyyzzz1532
    iTunes has the episodes out of order. You will notice this when at the end of episode 6 someone is killed, then comes back to life in episode 7. "Up in Arms" should be episode 8. And thanks itunes for making it so hard to find an email address that I had to post this here instead of telling you directly.
