My Hero Academia, Season 4, Pt. 2

My Hero Academia, Season 4, Pt. 2

My Hero Academia

  • Genre: Animation
  • Release Date: 2020-02-29
  • Advisory Rating: TV-14
  • Episodes: 12
  • iTunes Price: USD 16.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 24.99
From 4,963 Ratings


The villain world teeters on the brink of war now that All For One is out of the picture. Meanwhile, Deku gets tangled in another dangerous internship as he struggles to keep pace with his upperclassman—Mirio.


Title Time Price
1 Bright Future 24:00 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 Smoldering Flames 24:00 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 Win Those Kids' Hearts 24:00 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 Relief for License Trainees 24:00 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 School Festival 24:00 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 Prepping for the School Festival Is the 24:00 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
7 Gold Tips Imperial 24:00 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 Deku vs. Gentle Criminal 24:00 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
9 School Festival Start!! 24:00 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
10 Let It Flow! School Festival! 24:00 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
11 Japanese Hero Billboard Chart 24:00 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
12 His Start 23:30 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes


  • Great show to pump you up!

    By Rick Rocker Music
    I work out to this show often, it’s inspiring! 🤘🏼
  • Out of Order 😡

    By Aldo23978
    As has been mentioned before, splitting seasons in two causes the episodes to show as 1,1,2,2,3,3 instead of listed in order. Fix this! It’s a pain having to sort this out by looking at each date every time I want to watch any of my animes 😡. Same thing happens to Attack on Titan and Tokyo Ghoul and I’m guessing this also happens with other anime. Fix it! 😡
  • Episodes Out Of Prder

    By Dr.Finch
    The Anime is great but because it is split into parts the Episodes are not in the correct order for example where normally episodes would be 1,2,3,4 it is 1,1,2,2,3,3 and so on this needs to b fixed I have even stopped buying shows on iTunes in fear of having this same issue Apple has basically lost me as a customer at this point.
  • Sale

    By x1no
    Why hasn’t this gone on sale like the Japanese version
  • Rating is for the shady business practices of iTunes

    By romanumeralz
    Again, this is NOT a rating for the anime! I love My Hero Academia! I had purchased this season pass, back in March before the ‘quarantining’ went down, and there was a sale on My Hero Academia volumes. Individually priced at $5 each; even the newest season pass was discounted. I thought to myself that this HAS to be a mistake on iTunes part, so I purchased anyway and was happy until I found out that iTunes only allowed me to gain access to the first episode and none to follow. I had two EXTREMELY long phone conversations with customer service reps regarding this, and I was accused of lying and was given multiple excuses. Even spoke to a manager (who was kind), yet she did not fix anything. She did, however, agree with me about the injustice. There is still a case OPEN for this issue. I CANNOT stand how shady and deceptive iTunes/Apple/DirecTV has become! They’ve become their own government and they deserve a rude awakening, from treating their customers like dirt and stealing from them. Truth hurts and always comes back to bite the wicked. [A side-note also to those who have digital libraries: You don’t own ANYTHING, when you buy digital. No wifi = *poof* no ownership.] Case ID: 101042406655
  • Good to show

    By preacherofgod07
    I like this tv show and now just waiting on last two episodes
  • Hopes for world peace

    By Hopes for world peace ❤️❤️♾
    Awesome I love this series!!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 ready for next season
  • Loveeeee this show but...

    By swaggerluv
    I’m missing several episodes yet I bought the season pass. I follow the MHA platform on Instagram and they let us know when each episode is out and I’ve been missing like the last 3 for over a month now???
  • great season,missing an episode

    By TomNgu
    its a great season for anyone thats a fan of the show, but its literally missing the last episode and you guys arent showing it in a update nor it being on a season pass please get the last episode for dubbed and subbed
  • Why?

    By MrStefanT23
    I would like to know why I purchased the entire season (Season pass) and it only gave me the first episode and then wants me to pay individually for the rest. I can’t even buy the whole season again because it’s blacked out and says purchased???
