Blue Planet II

Blue Planet II

Blue Planet II

  • Genre: Nonfiction
  • Release Date: 2018-01-20
  • Advisory Rating: TV-PG
  • Episodes: 9
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 22.99
From 274 Ratings


The landmark natural history series returns presented by David Attenborough. Oceans as we've never known them. Shorelines we thought we'd explored. Depths we thought we'd charted. Seas we thought we knew. Think again. In the last decade, more species have been discovered than ever before. Blue Planet II takes viewers on a voyage like no other. Featuring music by Hans Zimmer.


Title Time Price
1 One Ocean 48:42 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 The Deep 51:19 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 Coral Reefs 48:47 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 Big Blue 49:50 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 Green Seas 51:03 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 Coasts 48:18 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
7 Our Blue Planet 50:16 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 The Making of Blue Planet II 49:31 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
9 Trailer 02:50 Free Buy on iTunes


  • No 4K HDR

    By rmhollandjdoller
    Where’s the 4K HDR
  • 4K?!

    By Wolf Mother Deprived
    This series as well and PE need to be released by Apple in 4K. Netflix contract has expired. You guys are missing out on easy sales here. Please supply in 4K format, PLEASE!!!!
  • 4K HDR?

    By breiter406
    Why is this not offered in 4K HDR?
  • Why isn’t this in 4K?

    By GreenEnd23
    I paid for this show because I wanted it to be my first 4K purchase. I thought it would have gone without saying that a show like this would have been presented in the best quality possible. Otherwise I love the show and would love to give it 5 stars.
  • A cut above the usual, already stellar BBC documentary

    Prepare to be amazed by the riches on display, from the always peerless narration by Sir David Attenborough to the ‘how did they do it?’ quality of the photography. To capture this footage takes incredible skill, planning and luck. That they could put together eight-plus hours of magnificent revelations is nothing short of astounding, but as usual this is par for the course for the BBC. However, where BP2 distinguishes itself from similar efforts offered by this leader in the nature documentary field is that they actually take a stand and offer a straightforward view of the challenges their subjects face, how we humans are solely responsible for them, and what we need to change before it’s too late. I appreciate the BBC owning this messaging instead of being neutral about the cause and effect of mankind on nature as they have been in the past. It’s still fairly non-judgmental, but it’s a refreshing nuance to see at long last.
  • Unparalleled

    By A-12 924
    Most beautiful nature show ever made. I could watch for hours!
  • Epic

    By Dj L.E.D
    Life changing. Brings tears to your eyes. A must see for every human being on planet earth!❤️
  • No 4K?

    By Mcdoopy
    New Apple TV supports 4k, yet you don’t offer this in 4k????
  • Stop chopping scenes!

    By StoryDelver
    This isn't MTV. BBC, stop hacking up the incredible cinematography of your film crews. The wave shots are the worst. Just when you're getting a sense of awe, it gets chopped off. Massively irritating and an insult to the work of the cinematographers. The people watching this aren't blighted by 3 second attention spans.
  • no 4k HDR or Dolby Vision in USA

    By Krizzle4K
    This was released in the UK on BBC iPlayer in stunning HDR 4k. Why is this not available to itunes in 4k HDR? It's only available in HD. Why is this??
