The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar

The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar

The Lion Guard

  • Genre: Kids & Family
  • Release Date: 2015-11-23
  • Advisory Rating: TV-Y
  • Episodes: 1
  • iTunes Price: USD 3.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 4.99
From 236 Ratings


It is time! Join Kion, second born cub of Simba and Nala, as he becomes the leader of the Lion Guard and assembles the best and brightest to help him keep the circle of life intact. Kion gathers not a team of lions, as tradition has dictated, but his own Lion Guard comprised of Bunga the bravest, Fuli the fastest, Beshte the strongest, and Ono the keenest of sight. But Kion himself must learn the power of his roar before a genuine and lasting peace can come to the Pridelands.


Title Time Price
1 The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar 44:20 Season Only Buy on iTunes


  • Love

    By unicorn3545
    Love this movie so much
  • Dumb series does worst than other lion king movies

    By macaw star3
    Even kids hate weird lion king cartoonish trash, it was so dumb I watched the whole full thing, and it’s a total dissapiontment, what kind of names are Fuli! That’s more like a fool right!? Bunga, so weird, Kion! What kind of name is that, Ono, what? Besthe?! Uhhhhhhh stop making more of this dumb unrealistic and cartoonish movies Disney I hope you read this before watching the movie and it’s sequel, also Kiara is such a brat! Even though every movie of the lion king was trash, this was the worst!
  • FANTASTIC!!!!!

    By Dacostpa
    An absolutely WONDERFUL movie and terrific introduction to the “Lion Guard” series! A SPECTACULAR continuation of the amazing legacy of The Lion King.
  • WHY?!

    By Bonito44
    When I was younger I would watch Lion King 1 over and over again. Lion King 2 was bad. BUT THIS...TLK 2 doesn’t even compare to how bad this is! Even though it has Kiara in it, Disney acted like the second movie never happened. The animation is terrible the walking cycles look lazily made. The soundtrack feels rushed and unfinished. SIMBAS...SON?! HE HAD A SON!!! His name was Kopa!!! Kion is just a Kopa imposter! And if he had a son where is he in TLK 2?!! ALL the characters are ruined! Kiara is becoming cub Simba. Kiara in TLK 2 didn’t want or care if she was future queen. She mostly wanted to be free and happy. But in this abomination, Kiara starts bragging and loving herself by the fact that she’s future queen. JUST LIKE HER ANNOYING FATHER!!! Simba is becoming Scar. Remember when Simba was really nice and actually cared about his children?...ME NEITHER! Because now, when he realizes that Kion’s Lion Guard is made up of different types of animals instead of all lions. He gets really mad and when he has an argument with Kion, he starts insulting him. HIS OWN SON!! He also roars at anyone that makes him made mad now. Not even a warning. The voice actors and actresses seemed that they weren’t even trying. Do me a favor and NOT BUY THIS!!!
  • The Lion Guard: Return Of The Actually Good Show.

    By its2dominder
    Man, this series was worth the hype! I'm so excited to see the next episode! I'm 16 years old, watching a Disney Junior show. This show is hella amazing! Outstanding!
  • Screw you 0 stars

    By Crazyhyperperson
    Screw you the lion "king" wasn't Disney Junior it was Disney everyone.... The lion guard should be Disney everyone to go along with the classic movie the lion king.... Simba's and Nala's son?...... Yeah.... Right...... 👎🏼 wasted tv space.... Should be a real movie!! Not some 5 year old BS!!!!! They already got Princess Sofia and Jake and the Neverland pirates.... Idiots..... So fudging disappointed.... To ruin such a classic.... Not gonna watch it cuz I am wwwwwaaaaaayyyyy to old for Disney junior 😂 DISNEY FOR EVERYONE* NOT DISNEY JUNIOR
  • Nope

    By saxmomo2020
    It just doesn't compare to the original lion king. Lion King 2 was crappy enough so this is just terrible. Very disappointing. :(

    By kay_lean
    Lion King is my favorite movie. So when this came out my nieces and nephews did a Lion King Marathon to get to know the characters. Lion Guard has the same feel as the first Lion King Movie and the music is catchy also.. It’s a good show when my 3yr old nephew has seen it so much that he can recite the first 5 min of movie…
  • Great Job

    By Erik Hildebrandt
    I was a big lion king fan growing up. My 9th birthday party was lion king themed. I used to listen to the movie on cassette tape on my Walkman almost daily. I sang the songs all the time. The lion king took up a big part of my childhood. I remember seeing it for the first time in theaters and being so sad when mufasa died. I remember enjoying the lion king 2. But pretty much hating lion king 1 & 1/2. If I'm remembering correctly, I think there was a pumba and Timon tv series at one point as well, was not a fan of this either. Now that I have kids of my own, it's so much fun to see my oldest who is now 5 years old enjoying the lion king! My son is from Africa.. So when he sees clips of the pride lands he likes to yell "look, it's Uganda!" He pretends to be simba and carries around a toy set of lions all day. He is s big fan of the lion king. I wondered if the lion guard would be any good. I played it for him, and he was hooked! Having some new material with the old classic characters is really nice for him and me as well. Although I would agree with another commenter on here, some of the story line does not match up with the older movies. But, either way, I feel this one is done pretty well. I am a bit bummed that the lion guard is made up of mostly really goofy characters. And we aren't seeing more lions in the lion guard, it is what it is I guess. Bunga is a great supporting character, so that works. Nala needs to be more like she was in the second movie and not so uptight and "perfect".. She was like a little simba, and we loved that about her. Hope we see kovu in the new lion guard series at some point! And really excited for some lion guard merchandise to be released! I would say if you have little ones who love the lion king already, I rank this a 5 out of 5 stars!

    By Lions lover 5765:
    Love this new take on the lion king. It is different yes but the important thing is if the kids like it then so should the parents. So give them a break!
