Zoo, Season 1

Zoo, Season 1


  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2014-06-29
  • Advisory Rating: TV-14
  • Episodes: 13
  • iTunes Price: USD 19.99
  • iTunes HD Price: USD 19.99
From 5 Ratings


ZOO, based on the #1 bestselling novel by James Patterson, is a global thriller about a wave of violent animal attacks against humans sweeping the planet. Jackson Oz is a young renegade American zoologist who spends his days running safaris in the wilds of Africa with his best friend Abraham, who has a deep understanding of wildlife. Shortly after the attacks begin, Oz begins to see a link between the strange animal attacks and his late father's controversial theories about impending threats to the human race. In Los Angeles, news reporter Jamie Campbell is intent on being the first to break the story behind the mysterious animal behavior, and seeks the expertise of Mitch Morgan, an off-kilter veterinarian, who prefers the company of animals over people. Nora Arnezeder stars as Chloe Tousignant, a French investigator Oz meets in Africa. As the assaults occurring worldwide become more cunning, coordinated and ferocious, Oz and the others are thrust into the race to unlock the mystery of the pandemic before there's no place left for people to hide.


Title Time Price
1 First Blood 41:46 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
2 Fight or Flight 41:57 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
3 The Silence of the Cicadas 43:40 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
4 Pack Mentality 43:29 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
5 Blame It On Leo 43:02 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
6 This Is What It Sounds Like 42:33 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
7 Sleuths 41:38 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
8 The Cheese Stands Alone 40:30 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
9 Murmuration 39:58 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
10 Emotional Contagion 39:49 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
11 Eats, Shoots, and Leaves/Wild Things 1:18:58 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
12 That Great Bill Hill of Hope 42:39 USD 1.99 Buy on iTunes
13 James Patterson's Most Unique Story Come 02:35 Season Only Buy on iTunes


  • Must read the book

    By Skulleez
    A lot of you hating this show have obviously never read the book. To fully understand what is going on, read Zoo by James Patterson. It should make you think about how technology affects things. Yes it's only fiction, but this is on a new level. What if the tables turned?
  • Zoo is addictive

    By coralights
    From episode one - cinematic, colorful, exotic, scenic, action packed with great interactive characters and an awesome plot - can't wait for season two
  • The book was better, but I enjoyed the show.

    By SharonKN
    I like reading books before I see the movie and this was the case with ZOO as well. The book was definitely better and I preferred the cause of the animals rebellion that was in the book. However, this movie was different from most of the violence we see on TV today. While I don’t see animals attacking us, in mass, I can see a group here or there attacking, so I saw that as a possibility which made the show more enjoyable that vampires or zombies. I think it might have been better as a mini series which was the first intention, but it was moved to a season long show. I sincerely doubt if there will be any more episodes since the book was completed.
  • It's been more than 5 weeks without new episodes.

    By Phmx
    Great series. come on i wan't more episodes!!!
  • Great Show

    By beanettejurke
    Everyone has an opinion. Mine is this is a great show. Love the suspense, drama and humor. The characters work well together. You never know who the bad guy is. I like that.
  • Great Show

    By MCavacini
    Very different from the book that inspired it, but it's still a very entertaining show. I hope CBS renews it for a second season.
  • Good Show

    By appleinsanity
    One of the better new series I've watched.
  • Great

    By colinross1982
    Great to see our species get its due.
  • OK if you look past errors

    By Mateosumeo
    It's not bad as long as you can look past some of the mistakes..i.e. Wolfs in Mississippi. Then there is the ethnocentrism of the sterotypical Mississippian. The battery voltage that supposedly helps basteria grow. There are som outlandish assumptions made but if you can look past either their ignorance or lazziness or assumptions that we are it's not to terribly bad.
  • dark

    By DovewingxBumblestripe
    i hope this doesnt sound dark, but i enjoy watching the wolves tear peoples throats. ...O.O
