

By Brad Bird

  • Genre: Sci-Fi & Fantasy
  • Release Date: 2015-05-22
  • Advisory Rating: PG
  • Runtime: 2h 10min
  • Director: Brad Bird
  • Production Company: Walt Disney Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 19.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 7,028 Ratings


From Disney comes two-time Oscar® winner Brad Bird’s “Tomorrowland,” a riveting mystery adventure starring Academy Award® winner George Clooney. Bound by a shared destiny, former boy-genius Frank (Clooney), jaded by disillusionment, and Casey (Britt Robertson), a bright, optimistic teen bursting with scientific curiosity, embark on a danger-filled mission to unearth the secrets of an enigmatic place somewhere in time and space known only as “Tomorrowland.” What they must do there changes the world—and them—forever.



  • Boring

    By Sophiiiiiiiiaaaa
    Honestly cant remember what even happened. Everything was confusing. Some funny bits but thats about it.
  • Not bad

    By mocki one
    Kinda cheesy at the end but at least they state the obvious and the bad guy dies.
  • A Fantastic Movie, But a Box Office Failure

    By Ethan Torrisi
    This is another one of Disney's high budget movies that unfortunately slipped under the radar. It's a shame because this is one of the most visually stunning movies I have ever seen. The story is pretty spectacular as well. I love the idea of the city of Tomorrowland and this can't go unnoticed, MICHAEL GIACCHINO! One of his best film scores gives this film an outstanding music theme that is unforgetable and completely underrated. I also love finding all the easter eggs to the Disney Parks (Space Mountain, Spaceship Earth, etc.). Anyways, a really good film for everyone and an unfortunate failure for Disney. There was a lot of sequel potential for this movie and it just came up short.
  • Boring

    By Suferdudefrank
    I am with the critics on this and this is one of the worst Disney movies I have ever seen!!!!!! 😡😴🥱🤖👾🌏🪐☄️🚝🚄🚅🚇🚊🛸🚀🛰
  • Could have given it four starrs

    By Nicholas becerra
    Tomorrowland was the most interesting yet bad disney films i have seen in a while. It's captativing to see that disney has crossed the line with this movie and upon seeing the trailers and marketing choices this film had made i was planning in seeing this film to the hopes that it will be a giant waste of time. But instead of calling his film "visualy stunning and well executed this film is trying to be the science fiction verison of Wizard of Oz. The film follows boy genius frank (George Clooney) and his fellow science obesser Casey (Britt Robinson) who finds a coin that transports you into "Tomorrowland!" and his little to known partner David Nix (Hugh Laurie) together they must controll what's there's Tomorrowland is frustrating to explore despite the quality cast members that are casted in the film you would think a child would go see a disney film without knowing or excatly is for there age. Although George Clooney is the only one that is star-studded and both pretty in some movies where he tries and gives a good performence but playing a "boy genius" role for him wasn't suited or abstract if you will. See with all daring visuals and interesting plotpoints that don't make sense to audience members and this film is trying to be Wizard of Oz and Cloud Atlas both good movies that inspire science and achivement when it comes to telling a good story for the audience. Disney has been making stupid marketing films towards children including remaking ths cartoon disney films that already exist in the current planet we live in. Recently Disney remade Cinderella which was such a good template for the remake genre and telling a story is hard when it comes to remaking a film you have to tell that same story over and over again. Which is why Tomorrowland dosen't achive that must because of it's off-putting visual effects and wooden acting from the lead actors. And there you have a disney film which was directed by Brad Bird who recently directed Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol and the Incredibles. Brad Bird is the perfect choice for a sci-fi action, adventure director to helm this hidden movie of trash. And i was confused on what this movie is based on because many movies that Hollywood makes on based on books and i thought that Tomorrowland was based on a book and i was wrong. Unfortunatey this is based on the theme park that is placed on you guessed it Disney and this film knows exactly what kind of screw they can come up with. And presenting a futurestic city that 1,10000 million years from now has to show the main city up untill know in this film and what this film is trying to tell the audience that not all dreams come true and when a future city lays around maybe we won't live in a wasteless environment that will change the course of human events. Either way Tomorrowland is a complete piece of crap that dosen't explain what kind of plotholes or the characters are one-sided with each other because watching this film more than five times you will maybe lose touch of reality and the writting, the acting are all bad but visualy this disney film dosen't look real at all and should end up at the video store bin.
  • Tomorrowland

    By candyman jr
    Started out slow and boring, but turned out to be a great movie.
  • Awesome

    By MarcosBoss
    Family movie
  • Fun movie. Weak ending.

    By rtteachr
    I had a lot of fun watching this to the point where I couldn’t wait to continue when I had to stop. However, the last half hour is the weakest part of the movie and I didn’t really understand the explanation for the endgame of the story and why what was being don was happening.

    By Wolfman152
    I always loved watching this movie since watching it for my first time a few years ago and now that I’m a proud consumer of UHD (4k) movies, This movie pops right into my mind as looking Fabulous in 4K (Hoping Disney puts in serious work converting this movie into 4K with HDR). This movie took me to another place and led me to dream of a future that I wish I can live in. I truly ENJOYED IT!!! I recently learned this is one of the first movies to actually come out in Dolby Vision in certain theaters showcasing this feature back in 2015. Oh boy, I would seriously hope Disney converts this movie into Dolby Vision Disc, I would love to own it & see it on my OLED 65Inch Display. Please Disney, convert this movie into UHD with HDR (Dolby Vision) & Dolby Atmos. I and sure many others will pick this one up on Day 1 if ever made available.
  • Slipped under the radar

    By Bang Bangsart
    This movie is poignant to me as I attended the 64 World’s Fair. It brought back a flood of memories and reminded me how the future was looked at as being a better time. I too, succumbed to the PKD storylines and with Star Wars in the seventies, space began to look a little beat up. With Nixon(the president of US) and his whole bag of mess we came to not admire those in high offices as we did with Kennedy and his optimism. I for one would like a more Star Trek and a less pessimistic or another joyless day of the year. But anyway, this movie does make one think...
