

By Helen Hunt

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2015-05-01
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 33min
  • Director: Helen Hunt
  • Production Company: Sandbar Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 8.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 138 Ratings


Academy Award Winner Helen Hunt stars as a mother who travels cross-country to California to be with her son (Brenton Thwaites) after he decides to drop out of school and become a surfer. In an attempt to reconnect with her son, she decides to learn how to surf and develops a relationship with her instructor (Luke Wilson).



  • Funny, different, like the story

    By mariahe777
    I think it is funny and entertaining. Doesn't follow typical movie structure so it's more surprising that a usual movie. Loved seeing the uptight mom trying to surf, so funny. The guy carrying her board, also that it is so real when you start surfing, the things that happen to her. I like that it shows how a mom can get in the way of her kid because she doesn't follow her dreams or have fun. Good movie, fun to watch. Felt a bit slow at times, and not very inviting at the beggining. Maybe would need more passion and alive characters. They are a bit flat.
  • Insightful, compassionate, and excellent touches of humor

    By 468?,.:$7
    This is written to be real and witty. Nails both. Loved it so much I was inspired to leave my first review.
  • contrived and shallow

    By kurtpr
    constant bickering and conflict seemingly over nothing. Lots of effect shots, slow motion set to music in lieu of real content. Portays people changing and we all know they don't change in big ways. 2 stars instead of 1 because no models (in fact girl actress slightly overweight) and no violence.
  • Nice little film!

    By scorelvr
    I am saddened by the cruelty in some of these reviews. I wish that somehow the cruelty could be edited out. But, alas, people are people. This is a nice simple film and worth settling down with a bowl of ice cream to. Especially if you are a Helen hunt fan. It has funny moments, sweet moments, and some interesting (and uncomfortable) themes. It does feel a little unpolished, but it has a lot of heart. If we're put off by someone's looks, fine, normal, natural...but perhaps that's a cause for self reflection as opposed to attacks (no, i am not pals with these actors). I try to ignore 1 star reviews since they tend to be kinda hate filled :-(. I decided to watch based on the fact that I like this genre and Helen Hunt.
  • Cute Couples Movie

    By Divewrx
    This is a cute little movie for a couple to watch if you like surfing. Not a lot of facts to it, but entertaining.
  • Kinda weird but not terrible

    By Reviewer#4563241
    It was a little awkward because it wasn't sure if it was a cheeseball comedy or drama about grief and mother/son relationships. Also the woody allen style banter was a bit much, but it still managed to be a fairly light hearted, easy watch. Yes Helen's got work done, but if she hadn't ya'll would be complaining about her age showing instead, so it's no win situation! She is doing her thing!
  • Its great

    By Elizabethxyz
    I have watched this 3X, It’s a great movie. At first you think its a typical rom com but then you realize its much more than that. About family, disconnecting from technology, loneliness, rebuilding ones life. Kudos to Helen Hunt for a brave performance, she is flawed and real. I laughed and cried every time.
  • Love Helen Hunt!

    By Lily too!
    Great movie!!! I am a romantic! Good love story!!!
  • Heart Warming

    By Peter Ted
    I loved that Helen starred, wrote, directed and produced this film. A great coming of age story for a young man combined with a parent having to let go and recreate their own life. Beautifully shot with some funny scenes mixed with real life hardships...... Great to see Luke Wilson and the young actor who plays her son. Sweet movie.
  • wish i could get my money back

    By BlueTriStar
    pure torture to see ms hunt’s face stretched out so grotesquely she looks almost…well…foreign i bought this movie as i figured anything with luke wilson had to be worth watching. i was so incredibly wrong; he is pretty good in a limited role, but the overall feel of this movie is just…repulsive a hovering mother like her is just…dysfunctional its a wonder the son made it to adulthood—and he will be messed up like charlie and allan harper for life want my money back
