Anarchy Parlor

Anarchy Parlor

By Kenny Gage & Devon Downs

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2015-06-19
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 1h 38min
  • Director: Kenny Gage & Devon Downs
  • Production Company: Gravitas Ventures
  • Production Country: Lithuania
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 52 Ratings


A mysterious nomad known as the “Artist” practices a dark art form passed down through the generations. He creates much more than tattoos for tourists who visit his Lithuanian Tattoo Parlor.



  • Terrible

    By Moschell
    This movie is so bad. The worst thing about it has to be the dialogue. The script and acting are embarrassing to watch. Cheap gore. The positive reviews it's getting have to be coming from the "actors" who play in this film and their friends. Don't waste your time or money.
  • True Horror/Gore

    By Got2shop
    Great Realism here! Creepy & twisted, but really enjoyed watching this gruesome flick. Must see for all the horror/gore enthusiasts! Huge Robert LaSardo fan!
  • Wow, bloody Mess wow!

    By Spankatron5000
    It stays true to the trailer and doesn't disappoint where it counts!
  • Fairly Good

    By trick001
    So I rented this because I'm a horror movie fanatic and a big fan of the guy that plays "the artist" ever since I saw him in Nip Tuck. Other than him the acting was way questionable in many of the scenes and it definitely fell into the B movie category although the production value was good. The FX were really well done and extremely realistic visually and the overall story was entertaining yet super predictable. I do have to say that although I saw it coming, the ending was a nice twist. All in all this is not something I would purchase before renting but it's worth the rental price in my opinion. It's like a softer Hostel mixed with a much less twisted version of "I spit On Your Grave". If you like thriller/horror flicks and like idiotic young adults making idiotic decisions in foreign countries to their demise you may just enjoy this. Go into it looking for an average thriller and you won't be let down. If you go into this rental looking for straight horror with genuine scares, this will not satisfy.
  • Horrific

    By SweetMagpieBaby
    Awesomely Gross….!!!
  • Gory, sexy and fun

    By Cbd13
    Avid horror movie fan here, and this movie is hella fun. Robert LaSardo finally in a starring role and he absolutely owns it...he'll send shivers down your spine. Sara Fabel makes for an excellent sidekick as well. Goriness is off the charts, which is always fun :)
  • Bloody Good Time!

    By OTR SS
    I really liked this movie! Its gory as all hell, which I'm not typically up for, but its so fun. Its got this great sense of humor about it. Its almost making fun of old school horror movie conventions but then when it comes to the scares, IT DELIVERS. And just when you can't take it, it lightens the mood. The Tattoo artist and his apprentice are creepy and scary and the kids…well you have to see for yourself. Highly Recommend!
  • Awesome Horror Flick!! RECOMMEND

    By Verg3
    That was an AWESOME HORROR film!! I'm a HUGE Robert LaSardo fan. What a great role for him! Creepy and cool. Would love to see more! I love his apprentice. She's hot and is a great sidekick. The two are great villains. I love the story and how it ties into the history and culture of tattoos. What a fun ride! Not at all like Hostel, other than it taking place in Europe. A must see for real horror fans! RECOMMEND
