5 Flights Up

5 Flights Up

By Richard Loncraine

  • Genre: Romance
  • Release Date: 2015-05-08
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 32min
  • Director: Richard Loncraine
  • Production Company: Revelations Entertainment
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 312 Ratings


Academy Award® winners Morgan Freeman and Diane Keaton star in this heartwarming story about a happily married couple, Ruth and Alex Carver, who have decided to cash in on their sought-after Brooklyn apartment. After enlisting the help of Ruth’s niece, real estate agent Lily (Cynthia Nixon), they’re about to embark on a whirlwind weekend they never imagined! As a series of crazy events unfold and offers on the apartment fly, they’ll find their unwavering love tested in surprising ways – and ultimately discover a whole new lease on life!



  • Wonderful

    By Kitchen00
    Very nice and simple movie.
  • Contrived

    By Froggleep
    I love Morgan Freeman, can barely stand what's her name. Very trite and clumsy movie. Don't have any expectations at all about this film and you might like it at least a bit, if only to watch Freeman in action, but even he can't save this disaster of a film.
  • If you've seen the trailer, you've seen the movie

    By AHS
    Really, that's it. 90 min for a plot that possibly could have taken up 30. Gratuitous story lines, stereotypical characters. On the plus side it was a good way to kill time when I was sick in bed.
  • Touching

    By Eliza00
    This is a sweet movie about a New York couple that has been together 40 years. That is the story. Just their daily interactions and how the foundation of their togetherness grounds them both as they navigate the future and face life's trails. There is the context of deciding to sell or not sell their apartment they have been in for decades because of the five flights of stairs and the illness of a beloved pet but these events are just the background of what the film is about. The two characters but especially Alex coming to terms with the next and final chapters of life and how the stability and love in their relationship helps ground them both. I thought all the actors did a great job with such subtle material. Morgan Freeman and Cynthia Dixon especially stood out to me. I love Diane Keaton and she also did a good job but a couple times in this to me she fell back on physical mannerisms she uses as an actress in moments that detracted or felt misplaced for the situation. But just a couple moments. Korey Jackson and Claire Van den Bloom I thought were very good as the younger versions of Alex and Ruth. There are many beautiful shots of the city that give the film a string sense of place and the connection the couple has with it. The film has a bittersweet feel. It reminded me a bit of About Schmidt as the Alex character is also grappling with meaning and what the future holds but this film is less intense. It reminds me somewhat of the kind of films about the joys and pains of everyday life and relationships from the 70s. Thats's Life, the Goodbye Girl, The Prisoner of Second Avenue but also different in this film plays it pretty straight and doesn't try to create more drama than their daily lives would have or try to inject more comedic whackiness. Its a quiet film about an older couple just dealing with life together. Prices on itune for films are always comparatively high.
  • Awesome Actors Terrible Movie

    By ICUSandman
    Love Morgan Freeman but was very disappointed in this movie.
  • An Okay Movie

    By Mark Chitty
    This was an okay movie. It was worth watching, but not one of those that one says, “gee, let’s watch that again."
  • Simple and Sweet

    By bloodclay
    “5 Flights Up”, the new comedy/drama from director Richard Loncraine, seems like a movie from a different time. It’s a story fairly small in scale, something that is rarely done these days (at least well), and we get to know these characters pretty quickly. It’s focused on a married couple - played expertly by Diane Keaton and Morgan Freeman - who’ve lived in the same Brooklyn apartment for over forty years. Curious about how the market is faring after having this same home for such a long time, they allow their successful real-estate agent family member to list the property. Meanwhile, the two are dealing with their beloved dog who’s having trouble walking (and may need surgery). The obvious draw here is to see this seasoned duo work together, and they definitely don’t disappoint. Their rapport effortlessly carries the film, and makes it a pleasure to watch. Due to this, none of the emotional scenes seem forced because the film puts in its time letting us get to know these people and really feel for them. Stylistically, it’s nothing special, but you really don’t need any showy camerawork or flourishes to make this film enjoyable. And though I could have done without the abundance of flash-backs (which rarely work in movies), I found the film delightful as a whole. These two are both amazing screen-presences and certainly do some fantastic work here. It’s the epitome of a feel-good film, and despite a few flaws, is simple and sweet to just the right amount.
  • I just loved the movie

    By FranziJS
    For viewers, who know this actors and appreciate their talent it is a very nice movie about getting older and facing the challenges. And the city New York speaks for itself.
  • 5 flights up

    By voodoo chilly
    One of the worst movies I’ve seen in a while. It definitely wasn’t worth the $6.99 I paid to rent it. Please don’t waste your hard earned money. I thought it would be good with Morgan Freeman and Diane Keeton in it. Oh well.
  • 5 flights up

    By Joy__Hart
    I loved it! The acting was great, the story line was simple. It has no action for a change! It was about romance, love and life.
