While We’re Young

While We’re Young

By Noah Baumbach

  • Genre: Comedy
  • Release Date: 2015-03-27
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 37min
  • Director: Noah Baumbach
  • Production Company: Scott Rudin Productions
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 1,122 Ratings


Ben Stiller and Naomi Watts are Josh and Cornelia Srebnick, happily married middle-aged members of New York's creative class. They tried to start a family and were unable to — and have decided they’re okay with that. But as Josh labors over the umpteenth edit of his cerebral new film, it’s plain that he has hit a dry patch and that something is still missing. Enter Jamie (Adam Driver) and Darby (Amanda Seyfried), a free-spirited young couple, who are spontaneous and untethered, ready to drop everything in pursuit of their next passion — retro board games one day, acquiring a pet chicken the next. For Josh, it’s as if a door has opened back to his youth — or a youth he wishes he once had. It’s not long before the restless forty-somethings, Josh and Cornelia, throw aside friends their own age — including Beastie Boy Adam Horovitz in a sly supporting role — to trail after these young hipsters who seem so plugged in, so uninhibited, so Brooklyn cool. “Before we met,” Josh admits to Jamie, “the only two feelings I had left were wistful and disdainful.” But is this new inspiration enough to sustain collaboration and friendship with a couple twenty years their junior? While We’re Young is an openly funny cross-generational comedy of manners about aging, ambition and success, as well as a moving portrait of a marriage tested by the invading forces of youth. No film has better captured the weird, upended logic of urban sophisticates: the older ones embracing their iPads and Netflix, the young ones craving vinyl records and vintage VHS tapes. Powered by Stiller and Driver's note-perfect lead performances and loose, comic turns by Watts and Seyfried, While We’re Young is a complete pleasure to watch.



  • Utter trash

    By That one Bloke1066
    No morals, nothing to say, and worst of all, boring
  • If you can laugh at yourself, you'll love it

    By shemijamila
    As a 40something academic who enjoys trying new things with the younger set, I could relate to these characters. One of the funniest movies I've seen in a while. It did not discourage me from living my best life no matter my age.
  • Horrible perspective about Dinkers

    By Tasja Hans
    "Dinkers" stands for Dual Income No Kids Early Retirees. This screenwriter's agenda was clearly to denounce Dinkers, and instead, to encourage procreation/adoption. In my opinion, the movie shares a message that when a couple reaches a certain age, the only reasonable thing to do is to start a family (by becoming parents). According to the movie, If a couple chooses the alternative (to live as Dinkers), they will dabble in recklessness and tomfoolery because children have a way of making one realize his/her age and one's purpose in life. Ummm, I disagree.
  • .

    big yikes
  • Fun, enjoyable movie 👍

    By Faux Anonymity
    I really like this movie. It is very engaging & the message of the film rings true. Definitely worth watching. I watched it twice 👍👍👍😎
  • Eye opening

    By Sh3rmanator
    Makes you think about life and the generations that come after yourself.
  • Meh...it was ok

    By cjones
    I love Ben Stiller and at times I love Naomi Watts. I also like the actors playing the younger couple most of the time. This movie is definitely low-key which is fine but parts felt really slow. I had pause a few times to get snacks or grab a drink and I remember at one point I had watched like 54 minutes and it said I had 40+ minutes left and I remember thinking "geez, when will this be over" which is not a good thing. I enjoyed some brief moments but for the most part I felt so melancholy watching it. The ending was just a letdown. It finally was building up to the height of the story, and then it just crashed and burned, just fell apart. Made me sad. Like that's it? Ben Stiller was working hard but I think the script was just too heavy, even for him. I paid 99 cents for this rental, thank goodness. This is hit or miss depending on your taste. Wait for it to hit Netflix or hit a cable channel.
  • Hit the mark… almost too close to home

    By kdcarver
    Expecting a comedy, this film delivered a unexpectedly poignant look at the lives of middle aged DINK’s in today’s world. Funny and gut wrenching if, like me, you fall into that category. Definitely worth the rent.
  • Middle Aged??

    By bluesf05
    I didn't know what to expect but I did think this would be a bit different than it was. I love having people of all different ages in my life so I approached the film like many others - thinking it would be fun. In retrospect, I'm glad it wasn't. It is well acted and I would recommend it.
  • Pretty Good

    By Scotteman0708
    I read all the poor reviews, buy I rented it, and found it to be quite entertaining. I enjoyed watching it. While it probably would not receive 5 stars, I would give it 4.
