Jupiter Ascending

Jupiter Ascending

By Lilly Wachowski & Lana Wachowski

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2015-06-04
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 7min
  • Director: Lilly Wachowski & Lana Wachowski
  • Production Company: Warner Bros. Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 6,796 Ratings


From the streets of Chicago to far flung galaxies whirling through space, JUPITER ASCENDING is a science fiction epic adventure that follows the downtrodden Jupiter Jones (Mila Kunis -- Black Swan), who's destined for greatness. When a genetically engineered ex-military hunter Caine (Channing Tatum -- Magic Mike) tracks her down, she starts to glimpse the fate waiting for her all along -- her genetic signature marking her as next in line for an extraordinary inheritance that could alter the balance of the cosmos. Lilly and Lana Wachowski (The Matrix films, Cloud Atlas) take us on another visionary journey into the unknown. Also starring Sean Bean (Game of Thrones), Eddie Redmayne ( Les Misérables ) and Douglas Booth (Noah), this sci-fi thrill-ride will expand your universe. The battle for our world begins with her.




    FRIDAY FEBRUARY 14 (2020)
  • Jupiter Ascending

    By littledancer1998
    I thought that the movie was very well done. I love sci-fi so it caught my eye right away. I love the characters and the plot and it was very well written.
  • Re@dy Je+ G0!

    By Jolovesgum
    Eye @c+u@lly h@ve been w@n+!n' 2C Jup!+er @$cend!n' 4 @lm0$+ 4 1/2 ye@r$ n0w. L@$+ n!gh+, me & m0m w@+ched Jup!+er @$cend!n' 0n Ne+fl!x when !+ bec@me @v@!l@ble 0n @ugu$+ 1, 2019. $uch @ gr8 m0v!e.
  • Good

    By bmvh hvvh
    Ycgfcfyy kfchf
  • A mess

    By Frak!
    Visually cool but couldn’t save this disaster.
  • Adventurous SciFi Goodness

    By The_Waterboy
    For me, this movie is a perfect example of how not to trust a lot of so-called professional reviews... Memories of the John Carter movie come to mind, and that’s not a bad thing for me. This is the kind of movie I get lost in… What I mean by that is this: it takes me away to another place… In my humble opinion, that’s the whole point of movies and books If you like adventure and SciFi, sprinkled with some romance, you may find yourself getting lost in this movie as well!
  • 😘😘😘😘😘

    By amandax345
    This is great space movie! I love this world! Mila is so good in this film!
  • A lesson in human nature

    By wannabeauthor
    I can see why some people would not like this movie. It can be fast paced and maybe a bit confusing at times. There is a lot of sci-fi, a lot of "conspiracy theories". At the same time, I love it. I felt it dealt with a lot of issues that humans have, in a creative way. It can be human nature to be greedy, to push the boundaries on what acts of depravity we are capable of. In this movie, it seemed to me that the villains were not inherently evil; they just believed what they were doing was right. It probably didn't hurt that they made money, too. But Jupiter showed the other side of human nature. She showed compassion. She showed the audience what true courage was. She showed the audience what it meant to be human, to follow your moral compass, to listen to your intuition. Not only that, but the main characters grew in a way not all movie characters do effectively. Jupiter did not always need to be saved - she only needed saving in the beginning because she was not used to being in danger, used to needing protection from those who wish her harm - and grew into someone who could look out for herself. Caine could become the person he wanted. He could decide what he wanted with his life, decide what he was going to spend his life doing. If you don't like science fiction, I would not recommend this movie. But I do say that it made me understand more about humans and their capabilities, good or bad, much better than I had before.
  • Enjoyable

    By Flying B Birds
    Per the title enjoyed this movie. I watched it cause there was nothing else for me to watch at the time and find myself going back to it. I’m just a regular person who watches movies purely for entertainment.
  • It was decent?

    By Matt Merkel
