The Little Princess

The Little Princess

By Walter Lang

  • Genre: Classics
  • Release Date: 1939-03-10
  • Advisory Rating: Unrated
  • Runtime: 1h 33min
  • Director: Walter Lang
  • Production Company: 20th Century Fox
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 112 Ratings


When her father, Captain Crewe, is called to duty in Africa, young Sara (Shirley Temple) is sent to stay in the care of an exclusive school for girls. Sara finds that she is quite happy in her new surroundings; she's living a life of wealth and privilege. However, her good fortune takes a turn for the worse when her father turns up missing in action. Now strapped with looming tuition, room and board payments, Sara finds herself scrubbing floors and cleaning fireplaces to work off her debt - being dubbed the Little Princess by her former friends. Finally deciding to not let it get her down, the new "little princess" refuses to give up hope and sets off on mission to discover her lost father's whereabouts.



  • Colorized and...unrated?

    By Gummiwise
    Why doesn’t The Little Princess feature the original black and white version over this colorized variant? Please at least offer the original version as an iTunes Extra. Also, it’s a bit weird to classify movies like this as “unrated.” Technically, it’s correct to say this, but the connotation is odd given that this is a Shirley Temple movie, afterall. It is exciting to see Shirley Temple films being offered in HD. Hopefully, someday iTunes will offer a set of all of her childhood classics in HD at a special price.
  • The Little Princess

    By L&H Fan
    Love this movie but the iTunes digital copy is very poor. The picture constantly fades from light to dark. Not worth the money.
  • One of my favorite movies

    By Littleclara0617
    Shirley Temple was amazing. Worth adding to your collection
