Love Me

Love Me

By Jonathon Narducci

  • Genre: Documentary
  • Release Date: 2014-01-01
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 34min
  • Director: Jonathon Narducci
  • Production Company: Memfis Film
  • Production Country: Denmark, Sweden
  • iTunes Price: USD 5.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 543 Ratings


Can people find love through the modern “mail-order bride” industry? Or is the international romance business just a scam? Sincere and unflinching, Love Me follows Western men and Ukrainian women as they embark on an unpredictable and riveting journey in search of love. Each character's experience exposes the myths and realities of this unique industry, while also exploring the much deeper, human story that is too often overlooked. Forget everything you think you know about “mail-order" brides and get ready for an outrageously funny, touching and unforgettable look at the extreme lengths people travel for love.



  • Uplifting, sad, thought provoking

    By Super Carp
    I've never written an iTunes review before, but this documentary was so good I thought I would write something. There are sad parts, jacked up parts, and extremely happy parts. Definitely recommend for anyone. It will move you and make you think.
  • Delightful

    By Lauren_allison
    I was excited to watch this, but it was so much more than I expected. So well done and heart warming.
  • Thumbs up

    By G twice
    Surprisingly Good.
  • Absolutely face the reality of today's dating

    By dj D77
    Great movie ,nicely made ,totally facing the modern reality of dating . Love it !
  • Sad but well done

    By dcjimr
    It’s sad to see lonely, aging men pay thousands and thousands of dollars for the chance of falling in love with someone half their age. It’s also sad to see women in such desperate straits that they would move halfway around the world and marry someone they hardly know. The movie is well made, but maybe at some point someone should make a film taking a hard look at those who are peddling false hope to these people and making millions off it.
  • Fascinating, But Disturbing and Sad

    By ituneMermaid
    I'm writing this review only because the movie is described as being "funny." I have a good sense of humor, but there's nothing funny in this movie. It's interesting, it's fascinating, it's touching and emotional, it's even educational, but it's not funny at all. In fact, it's actually disturbing and sad to witness the lengths that lonely people will go to. These poor guys -- I felt so sorry for them!
  • Great Movie!

    By Blockerm
    An extremely balanced and well constructed movie that does a great job of presenting the “mail-order” bride industry. More importantly, it builds enough context around the individuals that you feel you both understand and care about them. Well done.
  • Loved it.

    By Ninja Squirrel 1980
    This film follows several individuals on their quest to find somebody to love. It's inside look on the foreign affair and what love is all about. I loved the direction, editing and music of this film. Its a unique candid view of the characters that create such a compelling story.
  • Entertaining!

    By Tmc240
    Definitely enjoyed watching this film. I found the storylines well-crafted and the colorful characters didn't disappoint. Beautiful shots throughout. Wonderfully done.
  • Really entertaining!

    By homiesauce1999
    I wasn’t sure what to expect heading into this film, I guess a movie making fun of the participants or possibly an expose. What we got was something totally different, totally surprising and human.
