Jim Bennett--English professor by day, high-stakes gambler by night--bets it all when he borrows from a gangster and offers his own life as collateral. Bennett enters an illicit, underground world and takes the ultimate risk for a second chance.
Not bad, not great
By Rambo8649
This wasn't necessarily that bad. I think its worth a watch.
Search for truth
By IknowIdontknow
Truth has very definite characteristics when found.
Extremely stupid
By Dargies
I like Mark Whalburg but his character is incredibly dumb. Who'd ever trust him or give him any money?!? Didn't even finish the movie. It was a waste after he looses all his money for the 3rd time halfway throu. Screw this movie. Grow up and stop being a child and leave the casino. Stop making excuses for your life.
Worth a rental ...
By Mohammed Al-Tari
Not sure I trust the Rotten Tomatoes rating becuase this is a decent flick. Not great, but certainly worth a rental.
Characters are well developed, no obvious plot-holes other than the flood of the house (a dream?). Realistic enough to be believable. Good cast of characters, good performance by Wahlberg. The "tennis star" guy was pretty weak in the role, totally not believable. Other than that, though, it's decent. Definitely better than average.
Oh my lord… This is boring...
By Mikey Laffey
This movie is going to my most boring movies list. Way more boring than Antz and The Ring Virus I watched before.
In fact I remember seeing this at movies on December 28th 2014, thank god I went alone and not with friends. If I went with friends they would have been so mad at me… Not to mention behind me I over heard a love couple and the wife said to his husband “See! I told you we should have seen Annie!”.
#1 Boring movie of 2014… That’s all I can say.
There has been better
By wwoollff1
There has been better but there has been worse, it is mediocre gambling movie
Losing Gamble
By Earl551
The movie studio gambled on this picture and lost big time. Very boring story who approved this garbage.
Better Than I Thought...
By Digital Dave65
This was one of those movies I was a bit hesitant on even renting but, I was bored as hell and I thought... "sure... why not." I have to say, I was surprised at how much I actually liked it. It's not some action flick but, a solid story and worth the rental in my opinion.
By LT Client
terrible remake of a teriible original movie with James Caan. just awful
By Piex3
This movie is terrible. Don't waste your time or your money. The writing is bad and the acting is worse, with 2 exceptions. Brie Larson and John Goodman are good. Jessica Lange'd talents are wasted. The movie is written for stupid people so if you are stupid, you may like it.