Asylum: The Lost Footage

Asylum: The Lost Footage

By Dan T. Hall

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2014-01-01
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 5min
  • Director: Dan T. Hall
  • Production Company: Vizmo Films
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 7 Ratings


A group of amateur ghost hunters go missing as they journey into the bowels of an abandon Insane Asylum in a search for evidence of the 'Lady in White' said to haunt the grounds. The only evidence of their quest of no return are video cards discovered by workman as they demolish what's left of the vacant structures. Some of the footage was salvageable and reveals the missing ghost hunters fate as they traverse into the unknowns of the Asylum.


  • Noooooo.....

    By Dawnj0405
    Can someone please make a good scary movie. Not one movie now days are scary. I think everyone needs to stop making movies like each other and just make an original.....
  • Great Indie Film

    By rmikaelson
    Being familiar with Indianapolis and an avid supporter of independent films, I knew I had to check this film out. Asylum was a phenomenal Indie film, definitely lived up to the hype. If you’re looking for shoot-outs and big explosions, go watch a paramount film, Asylum is probably not for you. But if you’re looking for a cutting edge, artistically done film, you’ll be pleased with this film and sufficiently creeped out. P.S. you have to watch the end credits! GAME CHANGER
  • good stab at film making but not iTunes material

    By filmgoon
    Must say that I am disappointed in iTunes. A company that tries to keep a high standard for their customers, and therefore, high prices. I think iTunes needs to carefully select the films it puts on its film site for sale, or rent at (to me) high prices. This film was made by a film student or joe shmoe at home. It would be something like the film I would put together not being a professional. Very amateur editing and really cheesy graphics. Congrats for the team who put this together, its a project none the less. I would not recommend regular entertainment hungry folks to rent or purchase this film. If your a film student, or friend of the crew, you might get a kick out of it. I assume this producer or filmmaker has a friend at iTunes...
  • Awesome

    By mgjansen
    Dan Hall is a great Director/Producer. He really knows how to bring high production value to his movies. This is a must see! Very Intense, edge of your seat stuff. I highly suggest you rent or watch it today
  • Stupid

    By sgtpetersen
    I got suckered into this from the ratings. Obviously idiots or the cast members rated this movie. It was not good at all.
  • Yikes!

    By Lulu Writer
    Asylum makes you feel like you are there experiencing exactly what it was like at this real-life asylum!! Kudos to the production team, the awesome actors and crew! It's excellent and one of the best horror movies I've seen!
  • Pretty Intense!

    By Rtvmikey
    An interesting and compelling premise...held my attention and shocked me. I liked the style and the pacing.
  • Goosebumps galore!

    By WorkMeLikeARib
    For anyone who likes the youknowhat scared out of them.
  • Awesome!!

    By Minnie890
    Scary and entertaining!
  • The Lost Footage!

    By Easylivin'
    This film is awesome. Saw it in theaters and it scared me to death! I was surprised on how well the audio was done and how clear it was. Also, I was kind of worried the camera work was going to be too much like The Blair Witch Project or something and make me dizzy but they did a great job. Amazing Indie film.
