The Remaining

The Remaining

By Casey La Scala

  • Genre: Horror
  • Release Date: 2014-09-05
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 27min
  • Director: Casey La Scala
  • Production Company: Sunrise Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 12.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 450 Ratings


The Remaining is an action-packed supernatural thriller that addresses questions of life, love and belief against an apocalyptic backdrop. A group of close friends gather for a wedding, but the celebration is shattered by a series of cataclysmic events and enemies foretold by biblical endtimes prophecies. The survivors face a horrifying, uncertain future as they scramble for safety, but as their world collapses around them in chaos and terror will they choose real life through faith, or just try to survive?



  • Great Movie!

    By mannydem
    Awesome Film!
  • it had potential but failed miserably

    By StefanosMac
    Good beginning. So-so middle. Pathetic finale.
  • Unexpected

    By akavonhrc
    I didn’t expect it to be this good of a movie
  • I Hope This Helps.

    By Live Like Christ!
    The Remaining is a pretty good movie but I wouldn't think 12 and under should watch this. Probably 14 is a good age to start but of course that's all up to the parents. I like this movie but to me they went a little to far out there. I know all this kind of bad stuff is really going to happen and worse when the Rapture does happen. But this movie did focus on the dark a little too much, I don't mean to sound like a hater because I'm really not. I mean they never showed the demons just like their shadows and that's good. But they had stuff like; One guy got stabbed in the stomach by a demon, and an other guy got snapped in two, and one lady got attacked by a demon. And 2 lady's wore low dresses throughout the whole movie. I've only watched the movie one time. I don't mean to discourage you from getting this movie I'm just trying to help someone that's thinking about getting this movie but they're not to sure about it. because me and my family were thinking about getting it but we weren't sure if it would have to much dark. My parents always looks the movies up on "Dove Parental Reviews" before we get them but that didn't bring The Remaining up. But it usually does really good. You just do what God's telling you to. God Bless whoever reads this and the people that made this movie!✝
  • Great Movie

    By Ffj1313
    This was a well made movie. Good message and story, totally entertaining.
  • Wanted to love it

    By Direction was terrible
    This review is not entirely fair because I couldn't watch it long. The way it is filmed is so terrible for those of us that get motion sickness. I really was excited about it.

    By Angie. Jen. I
    This Movie Is Good For The Non Believers, Especially For The Non Believers.... This Movie Says What Is Going To Happen After God Comes For His Children... It Does Not Matter How Good Or How Bad This Movie Is, It Matters About Telling The People What Is Going To Happen Soon... A lot Of People Say God Is At The Gates, If I Were You, I would Repent As Soon As Possible... And Get Your Life Right With God.. If You Don't Do So You Will Be Left Behind, With The Remaining People... I'm Not Forcing You To Serve God, But I Am Warning You About His Coming... And The Future Disasters That Will Come... If You Think This Was Just A Made Up Movie... I Can Tell You This... Look In The Bible For The Book Of Revelation... It Will Literally Explain Everything That Is Going To Happen When God Comes.... It May Sound Scary, But Think How It Will Be In real Life. And This is Only A Movie... Can You Imagine How It Will Be In Real Life!?, If You Don't Want To Except This Message, That's Fine, But For Me As A Christian, My Job On This Earth Is To Spread The Word Of God, And To Let You Know He Is Coming Soon... So, Make A Discussion, Just Like They Said In The Movie. May God Bless You And Protect You.
  • Best movie

    By BeingHerBaby
    This movie omg is like so much in thrills. Yet it always scares me because one day that will happen believing it or not. Something everyone should see
  • Terrible acting, stupid script, nauseating camera

    By Markdown Pro
    I’d love a refund and compensation for time lost. Plus, some migraine medicine. The ridiculously stereotype characters were so forced and awkward, their cliche lines just so silly, and the scenes jitter so much that I imagine a toddler was chasing the cast around with a Fisher Price camera. I made it about half way through the movie before it all just became too unbearable to finish. The preview screen thumb nail has the words “NO ONE”. It should say, “No one should watch this"
  • Deceiving

    By Hairdo-done
    I should have read the reviews before purchasing this movie. It is ridiculously done, and as someone pointed out, it is Christian propaganda at its maximum expression. Super-mega religious brain-washing crap. Oh, dear! I wish I could get my money back.
