Red vs. Blue: Volume 12

Red vs. Blue: Volume 12

By Miles Luna

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2014-01-01
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 2h 42min
  • Director: Miles Luna
  • iTunes Price: USD 7.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99


Shipwrecked, separated, and still sort of... dumb. The Red and Blue soldiers of Project Freelancer are continuing their misadventures on Chorus in the twelfth season of the longest running sci-fi/comedy series in history - Red vs. Blue. With their leaders captured, Tucker, Grif, Simmons, and Caboose now find themselves caught in the middle of a planet-wide civil war, and if they want to save their friends, they'll have to lead a hopeless army of rebels to victory. Between alien artifacts, subpar subordinates, and mysterious mercenaries, the heroes of Blood Gulch have got their work cut out for them, and they really hate work.


  • Delivers on all levels

    By The Flawed Hunter
    With the closing and shocking ending of season 11, season 12 ramps up the action, and takes RvB too a new area. This season explores the remaining members of the Reds and Blues, after returning back with rebels of Chorus, Tucker, Grif, Simmons, and Caboose work to save their friends who have been captured by the Federal army of Chorus. This season breaks through the slow pace of season 11 and adds new lairs to the story. The comedy is still a core element in this season, but this time along the lines of dramatic, and not in a bad way. The story itself has so many great moments and it sets up season 13 so perfectly. The great thing about this season is it expands on the characters that we get this time around. While the captured characters do get a main role as well, we really get to see more of the survivors. Especially Tucker, who plays the main character role for a bit of time. The newly and welcomed added characters are perfect. The remaining Reds and Blues get to train new recruits that are under their command, and each are so well thought out, I won't spoil anything, but their so funny. On the flip side of that characters motives are revealed along with complete new ones. Kimball the revel leader. Locus the mysterious bad guy. Doyal the federal army leader. And one of my new personal favorites, The acquisitive mercenary, Felix. Characters are created so well it's perfect. The soundtrack goes great as well, cryptic songs can set the tone, while one of the original songs (Dancing bull) returns with a techno mix (Prancing bull) If you've see the trailer then you probably know CGI has returned, they use it like in season 8 Revelation, scenes may start in game, but then will switch to CG. It's nice to see it return, although it's not like season 9 or 10 CG. The last thing I would like to mention is how well they threw in surprises and plot twists, they were incredibly satisfying when they happened, or they sent chills down my back. Overall this season stood tall and was an epic along with the rest.
  • Killmaster117

    By Naruto uzamaki 117
    The best season of all time!!!!!! I love it when tucker dances
  • Important

    By Fletcher hunt
    When are you guys going to put the next season on Netflix? Also I cried when Church left it was super sad!!!
  • Love RVB and will always but...

    By UnicornWarriorr
    I really wish the fight scene between Washington and Carolina vs Locus and Felix was more like those fight scenes back in like season 9 and 10.
  • Report.

    By Agent Wash1ngton
    This is the best show ever. Of all time.

    By APuckettiTunes
    This is the best show ever. Of all time.
  • Season 13 made better in 2 words....

    By FrankTheTank1976
    Loved season 12's twists and turns Rooster Teeth can make season 13 even better with two words that will honestly never happen: MASTER CHIEF.
  • Woooo!!!!!!

    By Spartan753Cale
    Red vs Blue season 12 was amazing!!!! I can't even begin to imagine what RoosterTeeth has planned for next Season!!! Thanks RoosterTeeth for such an amazing series!!!!
  • RVB

    By ---->???<-----
  • It's here!

    By Masterkeys
    It's here it's here!!!! Iv checked iTunes at least 4 times a day for a while and ta finally here!
