In the final film in the new 'Mothra' trilogy, King Ghidorah, the most destructive of all the monsters, returns to destroy the Earth. In the end, Mothra is indeed triumphant and takes her place among the greatest of all monsters.
Not as good as the first two.
By Al Tilley The Bum
While I did think this film was a decent conclusion to the Rebirth Of Mothra trilogy, I’d say it wasn’t the best one. King Ghidorah was in it so that’s a plus. I still enjoyed it though. 8/10.
Mothra III
By Megalon73
This I love the most because the sister’s join together to help Mothra to beat King Ghidorah.
English version
By Al Raike
you know, this movie on iTunes should be skipping in English only!
A note
By Big Daddy B #223
If its going to be in Japanese, its already going to be bad. GET THE FREAKIN ENGLISH DUB VERSION!!