Shouting Secrets is a hopeful and heartwarming, universal story taking place in a present day Native American family. It's a story that is at once about the constancy and the fragility of love, as well as the importance of family.
Shouting Secrets
By MichelleThinnes
I have seen this movie many times and cannot wait to own my own copy! It is truly a universal tale of the trials and triumphs of family.
Shouting Secrets
By Tjartsy
Shouting Secrets is in the top five indie movies I've ever seen. It has wonderful characters and a fantastic story. If you want to see a truly great film that isn't a retold story, but something completely new, Shouting Secrets is it!
Moving family drama
By moviemarlene
Kind of the First Nation version of The Descendants. Loved it, very moving, great family film.
Shouting Secrets
By Valerie271
What a great roller coaster of emotions! Saw it at a film festival and love it to tears, literally.