The Face of Love

The Face of Love

By Arie Posin

  • Genre: Romance
  • Release Date: 2014-03-07
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 1h 32min
  • Director: Arie Posin
  • Production Company: Mockingbird Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 9.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 138 Ratings


Five years after the death of her beloved husband Garrett (Ed Harris), Nikki (Annette Bening) meets a man who seems his exact duplicate. Not only does this stranger possess the same deeply lined face and startling blue eyes, he also shares Garrett's kindness, humor, and passion for art. And yet he is a stranger. Romance blossoms between Nikki and this alluring doppelgänger, but she can't bring herself to tell him the truth about what drew her to him. So she hides her photos and prevents him from meeting friends and family. Still, she can't resist taking him to all the old haunts. It isn't a question of if the truth will come out, but when. Arie Posin directs this emotionally thorny drama about how we cope with loss, live in the moment and ultimately move forward.



  • Loved "The Face of Love"

    By IndiePunk1
    The moment I saw the trailer I had to see it. The look of love is a wonderful movie with Hitchcocktian elements to it. Ed Harris is still so ruggedly handsome, and Annette Bening is wonderful as always. Originally saw this before Robin WIlliams died, sad he didn't have a bigger part... I won't spoil the ending but will say it was beautiful and bittersweet...
  • Waste Of Time and Money

    By Semnick01
    Terrible, terrible movie, besides being too predictable. Cheesy story, bad direction and poor performances from the cast. A sad way for Mr. Williams to end his career with this one.
  • spoiler

    By sisan26
    what did he have?
  • Painful and boring

    By Lost in Switzerland
    I rented based on the reviews. While I usually find Annette Benning's characters believable, in this case the script was so stilted even she couldn't save it. I didn't even finish watching
  • Amazing, Emotional and Heartfelt

    By Shakti2012
    Incredible performance by Bening had us captivated right from the beginning of the movie and held us throughout. Heartbreaking and emotional story and amazing work from all involved.
  • Heartbreakingly Beautiful

    By EbbieNC
    A rich, heavy, beautiful story. It will hurt a little to watch it; but it's worth the journey. Don't watch it when you are already feeling heartbroken though, or it will do you in!
  • MANY TEARS!!!!!!!!!

    By twistedchic
    All i will say is this movie touches the core of the heart in so many ways. Anyone with a family who has loved and lost, should watch this.
  • Implausale and Ridiculous

    By mikeandnickc
    Nobody looks exactly like someone else unless he or she is related. Bening's character is the one who should have died in this film, not the guy. I suppose there are those who will buy this ridiculous story. I like these actors but this story, even if it was fun to watch, leaves me rather feeling like you were took to the cleaners.
  • Ron360

    By Ron360
    A very touching movie!
