Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

By Matt Reeves

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2014-07-11
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 10min
  • Director: Matt Reeves
  • Production Company: TSG Entertainment
  • Production Country: United Kingdom, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 14.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 11,579 Ratings


Gary Oldman, Jason Clarke, Keri Russell and Andy Serkis star in the thrilling next chapter of Planet of the Apes. Ten years after a deadly virus destroys most of humanity, the human survivors find themselves on the brink of war with a group of genetically enhanced apes led by Caesar, a war that could determine which species will dominate Earth.



  • Very dark Planet of the Apes movie

    By Nicholas becerra
    I thrillerly enjoyed this new look of Planet of the Apes. I felt more cinematic and brillianly well directed for the most part Andy Serkis is wonderful in it. All of the action is fantastic and once again ths visual effects were gorgeous if you liked the first Planet of the Apes than this sequel is quite suprising and very dark to it's core.

    FRIDAY FEBRUARY 4 14 (2020)
  • Unsatisfied renter

    By Germanbuttafly
    I rented this movie though it was a good movie it took like an hour to download then after downloading it I find I can’t even cast it on my home tv but I can stream it on my iPad so I had to resort to that which would’ve been soooo much better on a 65’ instead of a 9.7’..... but movie was fantastic though!
  • More of the same from the last movie

    By Brentomdavis
    Once again, mankind is the bad guy here, this time for having the audacity to want to try to survive. Between the genocidal apes wanting to attack and destroy the humans to the completely ineffective use of superior firepower by the humans, the movie was one huge let down after another. And the end sequence, the 'march to war' part. It gives you hope for the next movie that maybe the humans could turn it around and keep our world. You know, not become slaves to the apes or die out completely. It's the only thing that keeps this movie at 2 stars for me.
  • Terrible

    By matthewandapril
    Awful. Just awful
  • Fiction as Fact

    This movie series in entertaining, yet it illustrates the rise of Muslims againt civilized Christendom.
  • Great!

    By blake_freeman
  • Thrilling

    By Boogerland0724
    A great movie, not better than the first in my opinion but still amazing!
  • Awesome

    By LukeCage.
    This is an awesome, action packed and suspenseful movie. Superb story telling from start to finish.
  • Overcooked and Underdone

    By D'chill
    Predictably the professional critics liked this thin reboot, in the same way they almost always love the latest superhero or comic book confection, with high praise over too little depth. I saw this Apes reboot around the time it was released, and don’t recall much at the moment, except that I found it disappointing, the CGI so overdone that it was not compelling, just cartoonish cat dazzling, an all too frequent movie pitfall, fluffing some ham-handed science fiction elements that are too key to the plot for the production not to take more seriously. The only one of the 3 Apes reboots that I liked at all was the first one from 2001. Despite any faults with plot or science fiction, it use of CGI is measured, a property that keeps many more actual objects and actors in camera frames, thus constraining the movie and its story from completely giving away to overlong outlandish computer cartoons that do nothing but draw the eye and bore the mind.
