In this intense, immersive journey, a young boy finds himself lost in the lively, dangerous world of the New York City subway, while his mother fiercely searches for him above ground in a race against the clock as Hurricane Sandy nears.
Magical & Scary Adventure
By matty03
As dark as this move sometimes becomes, there is this magically gift that always seems to shine. There is a magic viewpoint of an acute and highly intelligent "world" in which Ricky must attempt to navigate as he becomes lost in actual reality which is seemingly outside of his won scope.
There is something truly revelatory when the viewer realizes that Ricky's "limited" world is not as skewed from reality. That is to say, he may not always be able to understand or communicate, but he does navigate.
Imitation of Life…
By BlkPrtoRcn
People allow themselves to get too busy too blind too focused on themselves often scared to get involved/report things timely - to tuely see a lost lamb out of place.
Horrible movie
By Anasfk84
BAD BAD BAD!! bad acting, slow and boring, I wish i didn’t waste the money on it!
Really heart fealty
By Zafar Haidary
The concept and the story of this movie is just sad and emotional !!