

By David Gordon Green

  • Genre: Drama
  • Release Date: 2014-04-11
  • Advisory Rating: R
  • Runtime: 1h 57min
  • Director: David Gordon Green
  • Production Company: Rough House Pictures
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 5.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 946 Ratings


Academy Award® winner Nicolas Cage stars as Joe, a hard-living ex-con who is the unlikeliest of role models. But when he meets a troubled 15-year-old homeless boy (Tye Sheridan) desperately in need of help, Joe is faced with the heartbreaking choice of redemption or ruin.



  • Wow what a movie

    By Sharon1120
    The movie had my attention the entre time! At first I thought " okay a bunch of really red rednecks" BUT the story behind these people was intense as well as sad. Cage does such a grerat job!! I have never seen him in a role like this one before. Worth the watch for sure and I'm glad I rented it!
  • Solid acting

    By Nandojr2004
    Great movie. Good performance by actors. One of my favorite Nicholas cage movies.
  • Cage at His Best

    By Soaringeagle123
    Nicholas Cage is on Target. Great to the end. Classic evil vs. good!
  • Just a lot of mindless violence

    By AppsOnTheSubway
    I wasn’t a fan of this tired re-tread of southern gothic tropes and backwoods violence, long since seen many times over. Adding Nicolas Cage to this messy, boring affair made it all the more off-putting. It may get many of the details right, but it’s mystifying that critics loved this so much. It’s just as formulaic as any big-budget flick. David Gordon Green gets worse and worse as a director, the more he tries. I haven’t liked one film he’s made since All The Real Girls, and that was over a dozen years ago. Skip this one too.
  • No Stars-horrible movie

    By Everyday walker
    Watchers should be aware there is a scene where Joe allows his dog to kill another dog. Sickening.
  • Go Ahead & Watch this Film

    By Hollandd3
    Thought this movie was well put together. Entertaining and realistic. After I watched it I looked up what other people thought about the film & about the ole’ guy who plays the homeless man. Ends ups he died shortly after the film was finished with production. So his performance was pretty much real life for him. Sad but gut-wrenchingly real. Go ahead and watch this movie.
  • Bad Guy Gone Good

    By Frank C 66554321.
    Cage plays a ex-con, with anger issues, who feels the need to protect a good boy who has a horrible family. Dirty film about dirty lives. I wouldn’t call it gritty, more like life in a strange place inhabited by characters that you never want to meet. Similar to “Winter’s Bone” in that regards.
  • Superb Acting

    By Plano Adam
    Best acting from Nicholas Cage I've seen! However, the scene location didn't not match Austin,Tx but looked more like the piney woods of east Texas. Nonetheless, this is a great movie to see!
  • No plot!

    By Smfloridian
    At first, this movie seemed like it was going to a good movie. The trailer was good so I rented it. The movie seemed to drag on and on. This movie had no plot. There was violence and killing trees. It was decent acting but again, there was no plot to the movie. Would not watch again!
  • These days most people want to turn their brains off when the lights go down.

    By gnomeofzurich
    Hence the bad reviews. This movie is well-written, well-paced, well-acted (by non-professional actors, no less), and doesn’t have a cul-de-sac in a third-ring suburb ending. It’s messy - - like life. Buck up and watch how the other half lives (and dies). Congrats to the directors, actors, and producers of this film, who weren’t afraid to make something other than yet another easily digested piece of predictable, weightless fluff that is forgotten once you remember where you parked the car after the movie. Nicolas Cage continues to be one of the great actors of his generation.
