Three teenage girls come of age while working at a pizza parlor in Mystic Connecticut.
Outstanding movie
By Brian50791
This is the year December 17 2018 and I just watched this movie with my gf and I told her I didn’t like it cause it wasn’t in my generation. I must say the movie was really really great sad, funny and romance at the same time. Like that pizza critic guy I give this movie a 5 star 👍🏻 great great movie (:
Price waaaaay to high
By Cleopatra Hightower Jones
Good movie though.
By Montissi
$14.99 for a 20+ year old movie - no. Just no.
Great Movie
By Pdj15
Thank you iTunes for FINALLY adding this move! One of my faves!
Great flick
By Suzichamois
Hadn't watched it since it was first in the theaters. It is just as good now as it was the first viewing. Nothing cheesy.
Top Movie
By JamesPons
One of my favorites, I’ve watched this one so many times already. Never disappointed.