Need for Speed

Need for Speed

By Scott Waugh

  • Genre: Action & Adventure
  • Release Date: 2014-03-14
  • Advisory Rating: PG-13
  • Runtime: 2h 11min
  • Director: Scott Waugh
  • Production Company: DreamWorks Pictures
  • Production Country: India, United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 19.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 3.99
From 4,402 Ratings


In a near-impossible race against time, Tobey Marshall (Aaron Paul) sets out on a mission of revenge – but it proves to be one of loyalty and redemption. Hitting the road with the world’s most exotic supercars that deliver real speed, real danger and real grit, Tobey pushes his limits to the max – no matter what the odds are. Adapted from the top-selling video game franchise – Need For Speed is an action-packed thrill ride.



  • pseudo realistic intro crash featuring stereotyped characters

    By ull777
    i imagine this is what uber passengers imagine drivers are like … stereotypes galore featuring: dudes with no kids/spouses✅ cars that go too fast✅ pedestrian drivers blocking the road✅ in the middle of bumsucc nowhere ✅ a crash that changes everything ✅ “kid” dies his first time out ✅ etc etc if you enjoy stereotypes this movie is for you!! those of us who value realism know that many if not all of the cannonball-types (ed bolian etc) are married, have kids, have large $ collections, and plenty of police/law enforcement connections in addition to money for lawyers fees, favors and etc - making this movie feel a bit unrealistic in the modern era … most of those “cannonball” folks never faced a single consequence for breaking laws from one end of the country to the other. theyll literally post the footage to youtube because they know they will never face real consequences, just slaps on the wrist … something thing the movie does get right though is its portrayal of all the white people getting away with crimes, explaining why prison demographics are the way that they are - the token black guy who got locked up mid movie had to be black because some of the crimes he was committing included theft from the US military, which has a long history of letting white people commit crimes while enlisted (source: your mom) i will guess the writers are daily uber passengers with a high probability lol
  • Critics don’t get NFS.

    By RedSoxNationMT
    This movie has the feel of an NFS game with everything necessary to make it a movie. It’s a thrill ride in super cars.
  • Game

    By Ilovestatwars
    There is a game based after this
  • Nfs

    By L G Yt
    Really good movie 100/10
  • Me like cool cars

    By car love 8
    I can remember every car, including the Koenigsegg.
  • Mediocre at best

    By CountryBump29
    Really if you want to see a couple of good drifting scenes then watch it but don’t buy this movie it’s not worth the money
  • Awesome

    By Mz.Williams1980
    Love the movie n that cars ..
  • Why did i waste my money on this

    By Nicholas becerra
    The race car sequences were cool but the rest of the movie felt like Fast & Furious that what it was but it was a pointless ripoff. Hollywood needs to stop with ripoffs that look like a good movie but no failed.
  • Phenomenal movie

    By GameTester.Co
    Best movie I have seen by far well besides Fast and Furious(all of them) but second best movie I’ve seen by far
  • Fantastic movie

    By Ronny23098
    When I first saw this movie I actually enjoyed it. Probably more than the fast and the furious films. The main reason why this movie is so great is because it has a fantastic story to tell. It tells the story of Toby Marshall and all the obstacles he has to surpass and how he literally falls to his lowest point but rises up once he meets that girl. This is exactly what movies should be not “oh add a crash here” or “let’s throw this action scene here and there” all without telling a actual story and just throwing things around. This movie on the other hand doesn’t do that from my perspective as it tells a story and actually engages with your emotions. Overall great movie and loved it.
