NYC, 1974: Chris (Clive Owen) is released from prison, but his younger brother Frank (Billy Crudup), an aspiring cop, sees him slowly descending back into a life of crime. Does Frank cover for him or risk destroying his own future?
Some interesting things, but too slow and predictable
By FckEcoRats
I mentioned interesting things: the 70's are well around, the soundtrack is as good as the atmosphere. But, at the end of the movie you just say"why so many predictable events/discussions/fights. Not that it is a violent movie, far from that. It hesitates between a gangster movie, a psy drama and ends up being just another 5/10. Because the opportunity was huge to make a better use of the '2 brothers' thing, it lacks depth and/or action.
Enjoy if you already bought it. If you don't, wait until it is for rent around 2 bucks
Family Love Loyalty
By Takson100
Very good movie. They don't make them like this anymore . It tells you about brotherly love , loyalty to your family and every day choices that define you as a human being. Street life vs Law in one family, how do you choose ?!
I loved it 💛
Blood Ties
By Head Maroon
A very dark film that is sometimes unwatchable due to its depressing subject matter. Given its excellent cast the film should be much better than it is. The two 🌟🌟 are for Clive Owens' and James Caan's performances.
touched me deeply!
By Khaled Zeidiyeh
the story shows so much emotions in brotherhood. additionally Clive great acting skills and personality.
Horrible script and acting.
By JAGjr,
The cast warrants respect, but the production quality is sorely lacking. The director and editor are of the lowest quality seen in the last 10 years. Recommend you find another film to watch, as this movie will earn dissatisfaction in the first 8 minutes or less.
My little old review :)
By Octavian14
While the first few moments of this film got me thinking, " Ah, finally a good old reality sucking fantasy cop film to erase my brain from its own problems for 2 solid hours", I realized that after those few minutes, it was not erasing my problems, but adding to them. And my brain, which has been thinking it was going to take a joyful and much deserved break from reality, was slumping back into the cesspool it called home.
So, sorry Owen, you did not do it for me this time. and I sorta wish you could have surgery on your vocal chords, because you sound EXACTLY the same in EVER movie you are in. YOu could also just conserve air when speaking, and only use the air NEEDED to speak.
But, that is just, my little old review :)
Blood ties
By Deadeye dad
Great movie if your not sure just rent it u won't be disappointed !
Good film, not great
By sp00ked_yuh
That #1 review stating this movie is high octane action thriller either didn't watch the movie or only watched about 25 minutes of a 2+ hour movie. It was good, dramatic, had some action scenes, but overall this movie was meant to be a character film. There is a lot of story and the characters didn't seem natural. Clive Owen and mila with a "Boston" accent as a pair and throwing in zoe Saldana was an interesting choice. It all kind of seemed like a "lets do an independent film cuz most awards are won that way. Still a cool movie and the 70s era was neat, but overall it was just OK. I was kind of expecting to be blown away or have the same feeling as killing them softly or something like that
I Loved This...
By AV43
Great movie, with a real sense of authenticity from the '70's. Ending makes the movie!!
By tarek307
Dont understand whats up with the bad reviews...this was a great movie & i'm usually very critical of films!