

By Jared Cohn

  • Genre: Thriller
  • Release Date: 2014-01-01
  • Advisory Rating: NR
  • Runtime: 1h 29min
  • Director: Jared Cohn
  • Production Company: Broken Films
  • Production Country: United States of America
  • iTunes Price: USD 3.99
  • iTunes Rent Price: USD 2.99
From 135 Ratings


After killing her stepfather in self-defense, Anna Nix is sent to a juvenile prison. Now in a world of girl gangs and predatory guards, Anna fights her dark side to stay above the fray. With prison yard fights, shifting gang alliances, and an abusive warden, every day is a brutal struggle, and Anna turns to drugs and sex as an escape. Anna must get clean and get help so she can take down her tormentors and put a stop to the exploitation of the inmates for good. But when the warden’s abuse intensifies, Anna resolves to get out of prison at any cost.



  • Classic Filmmaking

    By smarter thanyou
    Natural, affecting acting. A sympathetic, heartbreaking story.Am important indictment of the justice system. Fine direction & editing. Lots of boobies-Yeeeah!!!
  • IT EE OTIC - a Wreck-

    Rarely have I ever felt moved to write a review in the Negative- but, wow, this is the Worst attempt of juvenile shock vid- I have Ever seen- and I have seen a lot. What a waste- imagine you are 12, and want to make a film on your dad's camcorder- Plot: find a few filthy girls and see what you can make them do- show boobage- kiss-yeh, cuss every other word (f-^*was said 11 times in 7 seconds in waiting room scene w/ mom...), and have the warden stammer lines while he gives her drugs and begs for statutory sex... If you're gonna go to all this trouble- at least save your allowance up and hire "real girls"or close to being actresses. These are Dog Ugly, Nasty girls- I had to look away in the naked scenes. There was cellulite everywhere- not enough make-up in Dollywood to help 'em. So, No plot, No Character development, No class, disturbing antics and laugh-out-loud attempts at acting. I actually know 12 year olds who could make a better movie...what was the writer/director thinking? It's so utterly bad, horrible- that it is intriguing... I watched in amazement at how god-awful and fantastically dismal this film is, and how sad our society must be declining to even dream up this disgusting, depressing & simplistic dribble- and then go to the full effort to pass it off as a movie- wow. Bizarre- only a fraction of a percent of a star- you may watch only, in sheer disbelief that these people kept up the attempt and came back to work on filming day 2. Surely, someone had to see it being filmed and had to of said something- like, "are you Serious?" Or "ha, ok, now where is the Real script?"... My O My, even in the age of Reality and Low expectation TV... This film reeks- lacks-insults- and embarrasses Me to be Human and attached in any way to a species that could be a part of this movie in content, acting, and production, thereof... So Nonsensical that it might make you watch in - hmmm, (like a car wreck- you don't want to look... But you can't turn away...) "horror" - "confusion" - for sure, but mainly out of a sense of disbelief-
  • wtacher

    By No objectivess
    the movie is worest movie i've ever watch, there is reason of making this film its mostly porno movie really save your money it is not worth even a penny
  • Why oh Why ….

    By Octavian14
    Why in the world do human beings want to watch scenes like this? You are what you eat: Pig. You become what you see: Murderer. Pay attention, your days are few.
  • Just a step up

    By Sith Lord J
    Better than the god awful 12/12/12 from the same team their are more at home in a juvenile prison movie even though all the actresses are near 30.
